Chapter 19: The Emo Boy and the Princess Chick

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Atsuaki's POV

ANBU....Ohmyfreakinggod, I'm joining ANBU! This..this is...I'M SO EXCITED!!

'It's not fair! You didn't even become a Chuunin, Dattebayo!' Naruto wines.

'Hmm...Well, neither did you.' I say, smirking. He disappears to a corner and sulks.

'I'M GONNA BE AN ANBU BLACK OPS!! ' I yell, jumping up and down.

'Well, your hair is RED!' Naruto yells, crawling out of his sulking corner.


'Whatever!' He says.

'AHEM.' Tsunade says, and I snap my head up.

'You will begin going on extreme missions, important missions. Do you understand?' Tsunade says.

'Hai! But don't they like...not have names or something?' I say.

'You can keep yours, you'll be with me most of the time anyways.' She says, waving me off.

'Be with you? Why?' I ask.

'Your assigned as my...bodyguard.' She says, sitting at her desk.

'Your bodyguard? What's Shizune then?' I say, pointing to her. I see Naruto slip out of the room, most likely going to destroy something.

'She's my assistant. She's only a jounin anyways.' She says, shuffling some papers.

'So...I just stand behind you all day?' I say.

'Yes. Is there a problem?' She says.

' problem..' I say.

'Good, here's your mask.' She says, handing me a mask in the shape of a cat.

'Wonderful.' I say, slipping it on.

I watch as she does nothing but shuffle random papers for a good thirty minutes.

'Lady Tsunade?' I say, clearing my throat.

'Yes? What is it?' She snaps.

'Oh, uh..Nothing.' I say, shrinking back. Man, she's scary. Does she really need protection?

Knock Knock!

'Enter.' She says, and Sakura steps in.

'Hello Master. I've finished with the fish.' She says, holding a bag of water up. A small orange koi fish swims happily around in circles.

'Good work. And the other?' Tsunade says.

'Uh..' Sakura says, looking away.

'It's fine. Keep trying okay?' Tsunade says.

'Hai. Goodbye!' She says, waving.

'Bye Sakura-cha-'

'You can't talk to people!' Tsunade says, and Sakura stops.

'Who..Who is that?' She says.

'It's me, Atsu!' I say, pulling the mask off.

'Atsu? But you have a land to be running!' She says.

'Well, about that...' I say, rubbing the back of my head nervously.

'You re an ANBU Black Ops member now. You cannot have connections with others so tightly.' Tsunade says.

'What? That's crazy.' I say, glaring.

'Rules are rules. Sakura, your dismissed.' Tsunade says.

'Hai.' She says, then disappears.

All Those Happy Endings, And This Is The One I Get?! (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now