Chapter 35: Make It Special <3

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'Dammit, freaking dog.' I say, wiggiling around in the bag thing.

'Orders are orders, Princess.' I hear him say, and I groan.

'Atsuaki. That is my name, not Princess.' I grumble, and slowly slip a kunai out of my pocket.

'Ah yes, but you are Princess Miki of the Land of Ribbions, correct?' He says, and my eyes widen.

'I-I dun-..' I say.

'And, you have three personalities. You have the power of a demon, an angel, and an ordinary ninja?' He says, and I cut through the bag instantly.

'Who are you?!' I yell, holding my kunai infront of my face.

'What? Why are you questioning me?' The dog says, and I notice the change in voice pitches. Wait a minute...?

'Kabuto?!' I say, lowering my kunai.

'Your very observent, Atsuaki.' He says, changing into himself again.

When did yo-'What do you want?' I say, as he pushes his glasess up.

'Ehh, two minutes ago? And I need you. Sasuke-kun won't resume the training Orochimaru asks of him until you return, so come along.' He syas, beckoning me to him.

'No. I have to save..a friend.' I say, backing up.

'A friend? The cold, heartless Atsuaki save a friend? Or..supposed heartless. ' He says, and my eyes widen.

'You..I am! It's not like I'm chosing Gaara over Sasuke!!' I yell, then cover my mouth. Ugh, me and my big mouth.

'Ah, the Shikaku is in danger? I presume the Akatsuki is at work. Well then, this should be good.' He says, grabbing my arm.

'What should be good?!' I ask, preventing him from doing the jutsu.

'Naruto Uzumaki and the Shikaku have a close bond. He should wipe out a few Akatsuki members before he dies..' He says, doing the jutsu.

'DIES?!' I say, as we get zapped into the underground hideout.

'Yes, he will probably die... Why? Do you care about Uzumaki?' He says, and I smirk.

'He isn't an importance in my life. I care for Sasuke the most, so anything benefiting him, will benefit me as well. Stop asking questions to get me to say crap that's not true.' I say, then Kabuto smriks.

'There's the Atsuaki we all have come to know. His hideouts sure have effects on people.' Kabuto mutters, as I follow him down the hall.

'Kabuto..Do you could make me medicine that gives off the same effect?' I say, looking down.


'Because... I'm tired of all of these feelings being the biggest problems in my life. I want to be part if more importantant things. More action.' I say, shrugging.

'I don't know about medicine, but I know of a remidee that has this aura. So how about a necklace? Sasuke-kun can modify it's looks, so it'd be a sentamental object.' He says, and I raise a brow.

'Kabuto, being thoughtful? But actually, that would be awesome if you could do that.' I say.

'Hmm..On a condition.' He says, and I cringe.

'A condition with Kabuto. Doesn't sound healthy.' I say, and he smirks.

'The amulet will also give Sasuke your location. Where ever you are, he'll know. AND, you won't be able to go five kilometers away from him, unless he says so.' He says, and I smirk.

Kabuto really is that stupid.

'Fine. Wait. How do you plan on making a simple aura filled amulet do all that?' I say, crossing my arms.

'Have you forgotten who I work for?' He says, and my eyes widen. Ohh yeah...Mr.Pissy Snake.

'C-Could you tell Lord Orochimaru I am super sorry? And I'll never leave like this again?' I half-plead.

'What? Could you have been out and about so many times that you've lost your defiance?' He says, and I smirk.

'Oh please. I just need to be in Orochimaru's good books for Sasuke's sake. ' I say, and step closer to him.

'Thanks for beig so nice Kabuto.' I say, giving him a flirty smile.  

This better work.

I watch him blush suddenly, then turn away.

'Keep that up, and Atsukami's old habits might just make me do something.' He says, and I shudder.

'Oh ew..I-I'm gonna go..' I say, then run as fast as I can in the other direction.

'Oww you ass, watch whe-' I say, looking up to Sasuke. 

Well duh..who else could I have possibly run into in a damn hideout like this?

'Oh..uh..hi..' I say, as he helps me up.

'Your back.' he says, and I nod.

'Just got here..' I say, looking away. Suddenly he grabs my chin, turning my face to him.

'W-wha-' I say, then suddenly I feel his lips on mine. It takes me a second to realize, then I start to kiss back. He pulls away to breathe, and a small smile breaks out on my face.

'Thank god your okay.' He says, pressing his lips to my forehead.

'It's nice to here that you were worried.' I say, closing my eyes.

'I know you weren't gone for long, but this is the second time. I miss you.' He whispers, and I sigh.

'I miss you too, and honestly, I'm probably never going to be as sorry as I am right now. More sorry than when I slept with Gaara, or when I said I loved him more.' I say, as he wraps his arms around me.

'As long as there arn't anymore of those times...'He says, and I nod.

'There won't be.' I say.

Sasuke's POV

'What is this?' I say, taking a dark purple necklace from Kabuto.

'Atsuaki requested a necklace with the will to never leave your side. I told her you would make it special somehow.' He says, uninterstedly cleaning slime from the counter.

'Special?' I say, raising a brow.

'Engrave something on it. Mabye zap it with an electric current, or whatever.' He says, shrugging.

'Make it special..' I say, clutching it.


^^ Well? 

I SOOOOOOO SUPER DOOPER OOBER sorry that it took me like seven days to upload...

I'm moving to NY! And getting my nose pierced...and my birthday is in a couple days! May 28th ^^

I know most of you wanted Atsu to go with Gaara..but, my story, my plot. MWAHAHAHHAHA. 

Don't worry, I still love you all!

Fair winds Wattpaders! :D <3

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