Chapter 16: Understanding

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 'So..You did watch me sleep!' I yell, giggling. Kyouya blushes, then smirks.

'Well, I would have preferred to have b-'

'AHHH. DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!' Kemi yells from the bathroom. I start giggling.

'In all honesty.. I would have preferred t-'

'WHAT DID I JUST SAY?!' Kemi says.

'Jeez, someboys needs a boyfriend.' I sing-song, laughing.


'Your such a dork. YOU SAID OH MY HIGHNESS! AHAAHAHAHAHHAAHHAH!' I say, doubled over in laughter. Dropping my crutches to the floor, I limp over to Kyouya.

'Why not? You are my Highness.' He says.

'And technically, your my Prince Kyouya.' I say, pressing my forehead to his.

'You'll always be my Princess, Princess.' He says, before gently placing his lips on mine. I could taste the sweet kiwi he ate this morning.

'Again?! That's the third time this morning!' Kemi yells, walking out of the bathroom.

'Well, arn't you dressing up?' I say, eyeing her.

'Wow, you almost look like a girl.' Kyouya says, smirking.

'You know Kyouya..I remember that time when you went to the store in your care bear pa-'

'LALALLALAALAL I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!' He says, turning red.

'Remember the pink towel you wore as a cape?!' She says, laughing hystericaly.

'What?!' He says.

'AWW! That would look so cute!' I say, as he picks my crutches up.

'Actually, he looked like the biggest dumbnut in the world!' Kemi says, holding onto the table for support.

'I wouldn't mind seeing you in a towel. especially if it was just the towel.' I say, winking. You see, me and Kyouya decided last night that we were gonna perv the hell outta each other to piss off Kemisuma. And damn right was it working.

'But, you already did.' He says, placing his arm around my waist.

'OH GOD. That was just plain nasty!' She says, shaking her head.

'Let's go find you a boyfriend now..Oh yeah! At like...One-ish..I gotta go to Kankuro's for a Kiba-talk. He is confused about uke and seme!' I say, giggling.

'What is uke and seme?' Kemi and Kyouya ask simutaniously.

'That was weird. AND HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW?! In yaoi love, uke is the dude getting it...And seme is the one giving it. Uke is bottom, seme is top.' I say, giggling again.

'How the fudge do you know that?' Kemi says.

'..Well..I read a lot of doujinshi..and yaoi comics..and fanfictions of Naruto and Sasuke..' I say, looking away.

'Oh my god. Naruto and ....Sasuke? I'm marrying a yaoi lover?!' Kyouya says.

'Better get used to it babe!' I say.

'Oh god. You guys are icky.' Kemi says.

'Kyouya...Wanna carry me on your back? Or we can get the wheelchair..' I say, giving him puppy dog eyes.

'Ley's get the foldable one, and I'll carry you until I get tired babe.' He says, smiling. I grin and hop onto his back.

'Okay! Let's go!' Kemi says.

All Those Happy Endings, And This Is The One I Get?! (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now