Chapter..umm..What? *Looks around*

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The hours of training with Kakashi payed off. There I was, just chilling in some tree, and a random rain ninja and a couple of his friends just pop outta no-where.

'Yo. Princess.' The rain ninja says, glaring up at me.

'The name's Jeno. Why don't you come on down here and take a walk with us?' He says, stepping forward.

'Ahh..I think I'll pass.' I say, jumping down.

'No, I think you'll want to come with us..After all, your boyfriend's in trouble.' One of the guys says, smirking.

'What? I was just with him. Bakas.Your wasting my time.' I say, turning to leave.

'And hes losing some.' Jeno says. I stop and give him a What.The.Fuck look. Was he implying that he was going to kill him? Not on my watch they won't.

'Fine. What do you want?' I say, hoping that they'll take me to Sasuke.

'Come with us, Princess.' Jeno says, grabbing my hand. They had Sasuke? Why?

'Atsu.' Sasuke says, looking up. He had bruises and cuts all over his face.

'Wh-what happened?' I say, trying to untie the ropes hand his hands.

'I got jumped. Right after I left you. They kept saying crap like 'This'll make her mad.' and 'Now she'll have no one to turn to but Langu'..Who the hell is Langu?' He asks, as I cut the ropes on his feet with my kunai.

'He was the ninja I fought in the pre-elimination exams..Kimimo Langu... I think...' I say.

'Well, he wants to get in your pants' Sasuke muttered.

'THAT WAS UNCALLED FOR!' I say, smacking his arm. He winces, but smirks nun the less.

'How did you get back here? They were guarding every entrance..' He says.

'My feet hurt.' I say, looking rather smug.

'Ugh. Fine, rub it in my face that your stonger than me. Let's go.' He says, rolling his eyes.

The next few weeks all we did was train, train, and train. Oooh fun..Not. My feet were blistering and I lost my voice twice.

'AGAIN!' Kakashi yells, getting angry. I had refused to even move up from my rock. Sasuke however, thought he would show off, almost blowing up my rock. I was going to kick his ass for that.

'I.DON'T.WANT.TO.' I say, turning my back to him.

'You will, or you won't be entering the third exam.' He says. Ass.

'Fine. But I won't do the full thing. I wanna be lazy.' I say, walking over to the sraw dummies lined up.

'Go.' Kakashi says, watching from behind a rock. So much for the amazing and fearless Kakashi.

'Naruto Uzumaki wins! Please escort Neji Huyga to the hospital wing.' The Procter says, direction some medical ninja to Neji. Damn, Naruto just got major awesome points. BUT WHERE THE FUCK IS UCHIHA?!

'Alright, next. Atsuaki Karasu vs Jeno Kabashiki' The Procter says, after magical fixing the battle ground.

'FINALLY!' I hear someone say. Aww! People were looking forward to my fight! I mean..Even if I was tied for rookie of the year...I WAS EXCITED!

Jumping down, I eyed my opponent. Oh geez, this guy.

'Haven't I kicked your ass already?' I say smirking.

'Don't get to cocky, Princess.' Hey says, standing in defensive position.

'There you guys go with that Princess crap. Why does everyone from different villages keep calling me that?' I say, glaring.

All Those Happy Endings, And This Is The One I Get?! (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now