Chapter 17: The Plan Exposed

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Atsuaki's POV

How was I supposed to say it? Did I just blurt it out? Or should I just..say it?

Why is this so awkward? I mean, I shouldn't have to problem..Seeing as.. But he doesn't know that..Neither does Kemi..Does she?

Pacing outside Kyouya's door, I was thinking. And hard. I do you tell some one, after not stopping them from desicing to leave, that you love them? I mean, maybe I was just making a big deal out of things. Maybe he'll open his arms and I'll run to them in slow motion. Then he'll lift me up into the air and twirl me around. No...that's to cliche. He'll probably say what Gaara said...that all I caused him was heartache, and he never ever wante-

'Atsuaki?' Someone says, interrupting my thoughts. I look up, to see Kyouya. His arm had a small cut, along with his face. Oh yeah.. he was out training.. I forgot..Well, this is a problem...

'Oh, uh, hi. I just um stopped by to uh..' I say, rubbing the back of my neck.

'Oh..well, why don't you come in?' He says, unlocking his door. BAKA! HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT REMEMBERED HIS TRAINING?!

'So..what do you want to talk about?' He says, opening his fridge.

'I..uh..' I say, turning pink. How do I tell him? Shouldn't this be easier?! OH AUTHOR OF MY LIFE, MAKE THIS EASIER FOR ME!!

(( You have got to be kidding. You can do this..Now do it already! ))

But..I'm nervous..

(( Don't be. I know what he's gonna say anyways. Just start thinking up an excuse already.))

So..he IS going to see through it!? I can't just l...UGH.

(( Well, tell him. See what happens..))

'K-kyuoya?' I say. He snaps his head up at my Hinata-like voice.

'Yeah, Atsu? You okay?' He says, closing the fridge door.

'I..uh..I..' I say, pointing my fingers together like Hinata.

Seriously? Why make me seem so..lame..?


'What is it, Princess? What's wrong?' He says.

'I love you!' I say, then cover my mouth with my hands. I can't believe..Well, I basically just li..nevermind..

'I..uhh...' I say, before opening the door and running as fast as I could. I ended up in a garden, outside. I didn't care. I his face...

Did he see through it? Does he know? I mean, it would make since..if he was going to reject it...

'After all, that is what you told me.' I say aloud. Speaking to whatever cruel thing is writting my life down.

(( I'm not cruel! And I did not tell you that he would reject you!! ))

'LIAR! You said just start with the tears already..' I say, confused..This is all so..

I need a place to think.

'Perfect.' I whisper, as I enter a huge maze looking thing. I walk for a bit, turning every once in a while.

'Atsuaki?' Someone says. Crap. He found me already?! How am I supposed to explain why I...? God. Someone help me. Taking off, I run as fast as I could. I need more time!

'WAIT! IT'S KEMI!' She says, catching up to me. I stop, and glare.

'What?' I say, bitterly.

'Why are you in here? And what's up with the cold stare?' She says, glaring back.

All Those Happy Endings, And This Is The One I Get?! (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now