Chapter 32: Will it really get better?

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'Hello Princess.' She says, 'smiling' sweetly.

'Aw fuck. What do you want?!' I say, standing up.

'Your in a lot of trouble young lady.' She says, as Kakashi-sensi, Sakura-chan, and Shikamaru all come through the door. Then some people I don't know...

'Fuck you.' I say, sticking out my tounge. the insecurty I felt moments ago disappears.

'Excuse me?! This is the bitch we've been searching for?!' A girl says, stepping up to me.

'Yeah. And as for btiches, you are?' I say, glaring at her.

'Ferra. Kyouya-kun's girlfriend.' She says, and my jaw drops.

'Are you fucking kidding me?' I say, turning to him.

'I..I.' He says, and I smack him.

'I can't believe you! You lied again! ' I say, stepping away from him.

'Technacally I never said I was single..' He says, holding his cheek.

'What's everyone yelling about?!' I hear a familiar voice say, pushing people out of the way.

'K-kemi?' I say, as she pushes to the front.

'Hey Nee-chan. I missed you.' She says, hugging me.

'W-what? How are you...Your alive?!' I say, looking at her.

'Yeah..' She says, giving me a confused look.

'YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME! DO YOU KNOW HOW PISSED AT YOU I AM?! I would probably kill you right now if the fucking Hokage wasn't here!' I say, stepping towards Kyouya, then smacking him again.

'What's going on!?' Tsunade says, and I glare.

'Kyouya here told me Kemisuma died in an attempt to rescue me. Then brought me up here, took off most of my clothes, and laid with me in bed, attempting to quiet my continuious sobbing.' I say, completely pissed off.

'I fucking hate you.' I say to him, and the Hokage sighs.

'Young lo-'

'I don't love him.' I say bluntly, and glare at him. His eyes go wide, and his head falls.

'You don't mean th-'

'I do. I only have one feeling for him. And right now, it's loathing. I hate you.' I say slowly.

Sure, I was being harsh. But he lied to me...His whole relationship with me and every important memory of us was based on a lie.

So yes, I was going to be harsh on him.

'I think we should go.' Kemi says, and I grb her arm. I pull her into a hug, and whisper ' I'm sorry, but I've said it before. You won't find me.'

She backs up and gives me a confused look, then I start to melt into dust, carried away by the wind.

Sitting outside, perched on a tree branch, was Sasuke and I.

I sigh in depression, and Sasuke brings me into a hug.

'It'll get better..' He says, and I sigh again.

'Will it really get better?' I say, and squeeze him tighter.

'Atsu...I really need to talk about something..' Sasuke says, as we return safely to the new hideout we've so recently moved to.

'What?' I say, already knowing the answer.

'About...Two days ago.' He says, and I sigh.

'I know..And honestly, I can't even think of you actually ever forgiving me. It was all my fault, I drank too much, and I had never drank before so that made matters worse. I honestly cannot forgive my-'

'I forgive you.' He says, cutting off my little rant.

'What? You do? Why?' I say, confused.

'Becasue...It was my fault you started drinking so much. I shouldn't have read your journal, and I really shouldn't have shown up and been an ass like that. Plus, your supposed to stop me from doing what I probably would have done if you weren't here. ' He says, meaning Orochimaru's body switch.

'You mean..Your not even mad at all?' I say, standing up. He gives a small smile, and shakes his head. I get off of the chair in his room, and walk over to him.

'I don't deserve a guy like you.' I say, pressing my lips to his.

'I see your back.' Kabuto says, smirking at the door. I break away from Sasuke, then glare up at Kabuto.

'I wouldn't be in this mess if you haden't told me I could go.' I say, throwing a pillow at him.

'I didn't say you were allowed to go. Orochimaru-sama isn't pleased with your actions, Princess.' He says, pushing up his glasses.

'Says the dude who fucked the same girl as him.' Sasuke says, and I blush.

Seeing as she was a personality of mine...


'How did you guys sleep with her if I was the dominant personality?!' I say, looking up at him.

'You don't know?' Sasuke says, giving me a confused look.

'You know?!' I say, and he nods like I'm an idiot.

'She came out at night. Every night.' Kabuto says, and my jaw drops.

'What?!' I say, and Kabuto smirks.

'Every night, just after you fell asleep, she would awaken and come stay with us until you were going to wake up. The nights she was bored were the most enjoyable.' He says, winking.

'Eww. Oh gross. Wait, so...Does that mean that you talked to her when she came too?' I say, and Sasuke nods.

'She was... a friend..' He says, looking away.

'Oh my god. You really arn't...a virgin?!' I say, standing up.

He slowly shakes his head, and I lean down and smack him.

'How many times?! How many?!' I say, and he shrugs.

'Seventeen.' Kabuto says, and both of us stare at him in shock.

'How do you know that?!' Sasuke says, and Kabuto smirks.

'She would brag about it. Oh how she would brag.' He says, and walks away.

'I can't believe you! You lied too!' I say, backing towards the door.

'Atsu wait, I can explain.' He says, but I turn.

'To think...Gaara was actually the right choice.' I say, then run.


This chapter...

OOOHHH. This chapter just...Ugh. I don't know...It just...It's going to fix everything for me ^^

Atsu: Really? Cuz it didn't fix any fucking thing for me!


Atsu: Your not my mo-


Fair winds Wattpaders!:D <3

All Those Happy Endings, And This Is The One I Get?! (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now