Chapter ?!...(( I SO LIED TO YOU GUYS XD))

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  • Dedicated to To All My Amazing Fans. I Love You Guys So Much <3

Atsu's POV

'Aki, you can't be serious!' Gaara says, laughing.

'I am though! He obviously didn't realize we came together, or he wouldn't have tried to seduce you!' I say, as we walk out of the restaurant.

'Oh come on! He was just offering a second pair of chopsticks! He wasn't gay!' Gaara says, and I laugh.

'You thought the waiter was hot didn't you! That's why you won't admit he was hitting on you!' I say, as he links his hand in mine.

'Aki, Look!' Gaara says, as we walk down the night fallen streets of Suna. I look up at the sky, to what he was pointing at.

'Beautiful.' I whisper, looking up at the fireworks illuminating the night.

'Reminds me of you.' He says, pulling me to his chest.

'Aki, let's go to a party.' Gaara says, and I laugh and nod.

'That was disgust-What the fuck!?' I say, walking out of the small stall in the girls restroom. I look up to Sasuke, who was glaring at me, while standing in the middle of a woman's bathroom.

'I need to discuss some of the things I've so recently read.' He says, and I laugh.

'Says the douche-bag who infiltrated their own girlfriend's property. You didn't even care.' I say, feeling a bit tipsy due to the underage drinking I've been doing...

No comment...

'Oh please. I'm pretty fucking sure your read mine!' He says, and I smirk.

'Wow. You think I would do something that's on such a low level? It's like you don't trust me!' I say, gripping the sink in frustration.

'That still doesn't mean that this is all okay right now! You've been going behind my back for at the least a month!' He says, and I cringe.

'I wanted to help you! I knew you were gonna eventually give in to Orochimaru;s offer, so I took matters into my own hands!' I say, glaring hard.

'I wouldn't have ever given in! Because I thought you'd be there when he would pressure me into it, or state something about my brothers killing!' He says, pulling on his hair.

'I don't fucking be live you! I know you Sasuke, and you will eventually! I bet my life on it! In fact, I already have!' I say, and he gives a melancholy sigh.

'Literally. I can't believe you sold your body to that-that demon! Just to make sure I wouldn't do something I wasn't even considering!' He says, and it almost looks as if he's about to cry.

'I can...I can take the deal back..' I say quietly.

'What?' He says, taken about.

'I can. Since he hasn't done anything yet...I can take it back.' I say, looking down. I was lying. Like hell was I just gonna give in so easily.

'Please? I promise it won't happen. If you continue with this deal, he'll break you! You won't even be able to stand, let alone walk away! This guy does this all the time!' He yells, and I cringe again.

'Sasuke, I did it for you.' I say, grabbing my bottle, and walking out.

'Took you long enough.' Gaara says, as I walk out to meet him. The tears already spilled, no point in hiding them. I swipe a full bottle of vodka, and take a huge gulp. I grab my s=chest, as it burns down my throat.

'Fuck this shit.' I say, and take another swing.

'Well, this isn't gonna end happy..' Gaara says, and grabs another beer.

'Gaara?' I say, rubbing my eyes. Opening them, I sit up. Then realize I am....Well, shirtless...And cover up with a blanket.

'G'Morning gorgeous.' Gaara says, waking due to my abrupt moment.

'This can't be..No, no, no..No!' I say, back away from him.

'Oh no.' He says, looking under the covers.

'This is...This is bad!' I say, getting up (Pulling the sheet along as well.)

'You think?!' He says.

'What am I going to tell Sasuke?! He was supposed to be my...' I say, stepping back more.

'Well, this is inconvenient...' Kankuro says, folowed by Temari.

'Ah shit.' I say, throwing my hands in the air. Then quickly cover myself up again.

'That could have been verification that I'm not fully gay...' Kankuro says, turning around.

'YOU GUYS DID IT?!' Temari yells, and I cringe. I watch Gaara get up and walk to his dresser, still covered in a thin sheet. I look away as he pulls on boxers and shorts.

'It was fun.' Gaara shrugs and I glare.

'So?! THIS IS STILL BAD!' I yell, and he smirks.

'So you admit it was fun?' He says, and I facepalm.

'Here.' Gaara says, still smirking. I catch the shirt he threw, and quickly slip it on.

'Just more verification that I'm for sure bi..' Kankuro says, giving me a once over.

'Eww you pervert!' I yell, throwing a pillow at him.

'So, what do you guys want?' Gaara says, nonchalant.

'Kiba says he saw someone who liked like Atsuaki-chan on his way to the store.' Kankuro says, still looking at me.

'So we figured she'd be here...Didn't think..well, that this had happened..' Temari says, gesturing to us.

'Gah, this is not goo-HOLY FUCKING SHIT!' I say, and you won't even belive how bad things just got.

'What now?' Temari says.

' see...' I say, and go into a hopefully confusing rant.

'So your saying you've been spying on Gaara, didn't remove the cameras, and then did him? So Sasuke got a free porno of his girlfriend doing another dude.' Kankuro says bluntly.


'My life is over.' I say, and close my eyes.

'Babe, I think you should get something out of what happened..' Gaara says in my ear, and I look up at him.

Realization hits me like a slap in the face. I grab him and hug him as hard as I possibly could.

'Things just got hella bad. And now I love two cocky bastards...Again.' I whisper, and feel my tears begin to spill.


BWAHAHAHAHA. I'M SO EVIL. I LIED. I'm serious, I was lying. It's not over ^^

Oh yeah, listen to the damn song over there ------>

I LOVE JB. CUZ HE'S AN OPENLY GAY DOUCHEBAG. Seriously, I love his music, but he really is just a big bag of douche.

Fair Winds Wattpaders! :D <3

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