1. Epilogue

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After Newt had successfully delivered the briefcase of Occamy shells to Jacob, he decided to take a reminiscent trip inside of his own trunk- to see if (Name) had left anything of substantial value that he must return to her before she leaves for Merlin knows where. He entered her shed and looked at the chaotically arranged tidiness that littered the shelves and drawers around him- shoes were thrown vicariously onto the floor, obviously tripped over. Many times. He chuckled as he neared her 'memory shelf,' as she liked to call it. Several figurines and trinkets were balanced accordingly along it, most from various parts of the world the pair had traveled together: a green dragon scale from Wales, a pressed blossom from Indonesia, a hairpin from Italy, and a feather from the time they rescued Frank were the most memorable ones. He sighed and picked up the feather, twirling it around his fingers. He had been planning to take them both to Paris in the following years, but it seemed he would be traveling alone from now on.

He placed the feather back and sat on a small stool in front of the tiny desk she had whittled herself from a tree in Africa. Papers were strewn haphazardly across it, and several multicoloured quills were placed on top of them, dried ink dipped along the tips. He pulled the papers into a stack and stood them upright, patting the edges on the desk. However, a rather crinkled sheet fell out, refusing to be straightened, onto the floor. Newt quirked a brow and reached for it, words were neatly written along the page. Newt deduced it must be formal, as, usually, (Name)'s handwriting wasn't entirely legible. He skimmed the page, looking for anything particularly interesting, when his eyes fell upon the words:

I think I might love him.

Newt's eyes widened, before looking to the top of the page and reading from the beginning. It was addressed to her mother. It was a common event that (Name) would regularly write to her mother, as to keep her up to date. But this letter, obviously, wasn't the usual type.

Dear Mum,

We arrived in New York the other day. It really is such a big place! Even bigger than London! People here are a little less inviting than England, though. In fact, Newtie and I were basically led straight to the government as soon as we arrived. All is well, however, as we made friends with some locals. All but one are of magic origin. I've actually become quite close with one. She's a born Legiliman, and I'm pretty sure you would adore her, along with her sister, no matter how headstrong she is. The muggle is really nice, he's planning on setting up a bakery, and I was speaking with Newt about, perhaps, giving him the Occamy shells to give him a head start.

Newt's been well; I know you'll be wondering. He seems to like it here, but he also seems slightly eager to keep moving onto the next adventure. You know how he is: Always wants to keep moving. He's been slightly more clingy lately, though-

Newt snorted.

but I don't really mind as much as I would've done time ago, as peculiar as it sounds. I talked to the Legiliman - her name is Queenie - and she seems to have found feelings for him in me that I didn't even know I had before. And, to be quite frank, I think that these feelings are what you spoke of when we were last together.

I think I might love him.

I know how ridiculous that sounds, and that it is completely irrational to have fallen for your best friend, but I don't think I can help it. Something has spurred inside me, and I know I don't want to let it go.

Anyways, enough of that, I hope everything is going well at home and that you are saving some of the pumpkin pasties for me!

Love you lots and talk soon.
Hugs and butterfly kisses,
Your (Name)

Newt finished reading and placed the letter back down. He stood in silence and after much internal debate, he made a decision:

He had to find her.
(Name) sat on a bench in Central Park and closed her novel. She had bought it with the spare pocket money she had had with her on that rainy day, but she hadn't the slightest idea what she was doing in the rain in the first place. (Name) shivered and pulled her large coat tighter around her small form. A couple walked past her, being dragged quite quickly by a lanky Great Dane puppy, and (Name) smiled at the endearing sight before her.

She had wanted that.

Shaking the memories out of her head, (Name) stood up, stretched her muscles, and started walking toward a bridge over a stream. It was an oddly familiar bridge, and she had frequently found herself standing at the top of it, looking out over the rolling landscape of Central Park. She took her usual position and leaned against the cobblestone side rails, resting her head on her palm. She couldn't quite figure out why it was familiar, but the only thing she could come up with was something about an ostrich, which was completely and utterly ridiculous. She chuckled at herself quietly, before swiftly turning around to head home to her tiny apartment. However, her spin ended up being a clumsy attempt at a pirouette, and (Name) found herself stumbling to keep her balance. She flailed around and grasped onto the hard surface of the-


Hang on...

That's not the cooling stone of the bridge...

That is a human arm.

'Oh bloody hell, I have to talk to somebody now. Good job, (Name), you plonker.'

(Name) began to profusely apologise to the person she grabbed onto, not daring lift her head, for fear of the bright blush that coated her cheeks to embarrass herself further. However, a peculiarly scarred hand came into her vision and pushed a stray piece of hair behind her ear.

'Oh this is worse, I've either gotten myself involved with a creep or a gentleman, and I don't know which scenario is worse.'

She lifted her head and shyly peered at the man before her. A bright smile shone on his freckled features.


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