Brother VS Boyfriend

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Request: Can you do one where bucky is dating Sam's sister and Sam catch them like in a heated kiss and the two get into like a fight and the sister has to calm Sam down and like calm Bucky down all fluff and cute and funny

A/N: I SUCK AT COMING UP WITH NAMES FOR MY IMAGINES, I think we have all realized that by now. Idk the imagine is not that fluffy but I did try to make it funny! Hopefully you'll like it! 

ALSO!! I have a Sebastian Stan x reader imagine coming up at some point and I was wondering if I should post it as a "bonus" imagine and publish it in this book or should I create a book just for Sebastian Stan imagines. The problem is, I don't know if I'm going to continue writing Sebastian imagines. If people will request some, I probably will. So tell me what you think I should do. Thank you!

Warning(s): a heated make out session, some cursing

Dating Bucky sure was fun. Hiding it from your brother, Sam on the other hand...

Well also kind of fun.

Of course it had its downsides. For example, sneaking out had to always be planned to the very last detail. Sam was always around. That's why you usually had to meet up with Bucky late at night. 

Hiding your relationship sure had its downsides but the upside... The sneaking around made it much more exciting.

Also you knew if Sam ever found out, he would flip. He and Bucky didn't get along that great, although it really did seem like some friendly teasing but you weren't ready to find out what was going to happen if he found out.

You were pretty sure everyone else already knew but they didn't seem to be that surprised. It was as if they expected you two to get together at some point.

You wondered how Sam was the only one who hadn't noticed.

You were sitting in the common room with Bucky by your side. His arm was resting on your shoulders as he told you about a mission he had been on the day before.

"Y/N!" You heard Sam call from behind you and Bucky immediately pulled his arm back and scooted a bit further from you. "Can you help me out?"

"With what?" You asked, turning your upper body towards the back of the couch, resting your arms on the backrest.

"Natasha and Wanda are nowhere to be found and I was thinking if you could help me pick what to wear tonight."

"Oh, you have that date!" You said in excitement. Then you got even more excited as you realized he's be out of the tower for the night.

You turned to look at Bucky, smirking slightly. "Sam has a date tonight." You said, clearly wanting to hint something at him.

Bucky caught up quickly and his brows raised as a smile made its way to his lips. "That's amazing." He said with a whisper, making you let out a laugh.

You turned back to Sam to see him looking at you with a raised brow, clearly confused by your and Bucky's reactions. "You gonna help me or not?"

"Yeah, sure." You said and pushed yourself up from the couch. "Now let's get you all dolled up for your date." You teased as you walked past Sam.

He nudged your shoulder with his own. "Shut up."


You waited outside of Sam's room as he got ready for his date and took pictures of him, which in a few he might have flipped you off, and completely embarrassed him as sisters do.

Bucky Barnes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now