Andy's Decision

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I barely contained myself during school that day. I was so excited that Andy was coming to youth group with me. I met with all my fellow youth worship leaders at lunch to discuss what songs we were going to sing. We chose songs that would speak to Andy's heart, since these guys used to be his closest friends and want to see him come back to the Lord.


That night, I made Andy sit in the front row, so he could be with all his old friends and so I could make sure he didn't try to sneak out on me.

I opened the night with a prayer, "Dear Lord, I pray that you will show us your grace tonight. That you will make your presence known tonight. There are people here tonight that need to know you are here with us and for us, but never against us. I pray that you will show us what we need to know tonight. I pray this in Jesus' name, Amen." More Amens followed.

"Tonight we spent extra time finding songs that would speak to you guys. We also want to welcome back an old friend of ours, Andy Applegate." One of the leaders said.

"For those of you that don't know, Andy is my older brother. He used to be a huge part of this youth group, even led worship here for a while. He's going through a difficult time in his life, so I want all of you to join me in prayer for him. If you're comfortable enough, come forward and lay hands on him, he really needs your support tonight. He has a hard decision to make after this youth group meeting. " The entire youth group came forward and gathered around Andy.

"Dear God, my brother has a hard decision ahead of him tonight. Please show him that you are with him and will never leave him. That you'll never leave him nor forsake him. That you will be there for him forever and always." I started crying after that last statement. "Help him to get over all of his resentment towards you and the other nameless people he resents. I pray that you will see him through the obstacles he is facing. Remind him that you have and will always be there for him. I also pray that you will help him to forgive me for putting him on the spot like this. In your name, Amen."

"Thank you all for coming up to pray for Andy, you don't realize how much that means to me. To kick tonight off, we decided to start with, No Matter What (by Kerrie Roberts).

I'm running back to your promises one more time, Lord that's all I can hold on to, I gotta say this has taken me by surprise, but nothing surprises you. Before a heartache can ever touch my life, it has to go through Your hands, and even though I keep asking why, I keep asking why,

No matter what, I'm gonna love You, no matter what I'm gonna need You, I know You can find a way to keep me from the pain but if not, I'll trust you, no matter what, no matter what.

I noticed Andy was crying and kneeling in front of his chair, praying. I snuck off the stage and joined Andy in prayer, while the worship team continued to sing. I was crying along with him throughout the whole song.

When I'm stuck and there's nothing else by myself, I'm just sitting in silence, there's no way I can make it without Your help, I wont even try it. I know You have Your reasons for everything, so I will keep believing, whatever I might be feeling, God you are my hope, and you will be my strength,

A Cry Out To Jesus (The Extended Hobson Family Triliogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now