Goodbye Kelly

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Kelly and I went back up to my room to change outfits. We wore the same size clothes, so I let Kelly choose whatever outfit from my closet she wanted to wear to the party and let her keep it. She found an orchid knee-length, high-necked, sequined dress. It looked much better on her than it ever did me.

"So when did you start calling Matt, Dad?" Kelly asked me as I was braiding her hair, waterfall style.

"Last night, after Andy left. I felt I owed him that much, after what he's been through with my messed up family." I said.

"How did he react?"

"He was tearing up a little. It made him super happy, especially after he just lost Andy to Dad. It's not like they were ever that close, but it still hurt him that Andy left."

"So did Andy ever make it to your Dad's?"

"He was just about there when you called. He was going to call me back, but I think we were on the phone at the time. I'll call him back in the morning." I finished Kelly's hair and makeup, and then she started to do mine.

"Where did your dad move to anyways?" We kept up the small talk so we wouldn't get all sad again and start crying.

"Some small town in Montana, Hobson I think. Andy told me that it's a third the size of here."

"Your dad moved that far away?"

"Yeah. He also has a small cattle ranch. Can you see my dad as a rancher?"

"Not so much. More as the runs-a-big-business type."

"My reaction too."

"Maybe that's just the change of scenery that Andy needs. Maybe that was why God wants him to go out to live with your dad."

"I didn't even think of it like that. You're probably right." As soon as both of us were ready, the first guests, Mr. Jackson and his wife, pulled up into my driveway.

"Mr. Jackson's here! Come on, I can't wait to tell him about Andy."


We entered the decorated living room, just as Mr. and Mrs. Jackson rang the doorbell. Matt was nowhere to be seen, so I opened the door to greet them.

"Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, I'm so glad you could make it. Dad's around here somewhere. Won't you come in?" I said.

"Did your father come for a visit?" Mr. Jackson asked."

"No, sorry. I was talking about Matt." Matt came out of the kitchen.

"Barb, Steve! I'm glad you two could come at such short notice. I just found out that Kelly's family was moving tomorrow, a couple of hours ago." Matt said.

"I'm glad you invited us. My class won't ever be the same without you, Kelly."

"Thanks Mr. Jackson. I'm going to miss you're crazy stories."

"We brought you a going away present. I hope you like it!" Matt took the present and placed it on the present table he set up.

"Please come in, come in. There's some seating set up around the corner, in the living room." Matt said.

"Thank you Matt." Mrs. Jackson said before linking arms with Mr. Jackson and walking into the living room.


All of the guests arrived and Kelly and I greeted them, telling them where to go. After the final guest arrived, Matt came back to bring us to the party.

"May I escort two of my favorite ladies to the party?" Matt said, bending his elbows, allowing for us to link arms with him.

"You may." Kelly and I said together, giggling as we walked.

Matt brought us into the center of the living room, and everyone applauded. Matt and I stepped back and left Kelly standing in the middle of the room, where her parents joined her. They all had tears in their eyes, but did a great job keeping them in.

"Thank you so much Matt and Amelia for doing this for us. I'm going to miss you so much!" Kelly said, and then the tears started flowing again. At lest she wasn't the only one crying, all of her closest friends were.

"Things won't be the same without our crazy Kelly around to cheer us up." I said, trying to cheer everyone up.

"I didn't have time to make a cake or anything like that, so I guess it's only right for you guys to open up your presents now." Matt said.

Kelly and her parents walked over to the present table and opened up the presents. Most of them were cards with money or gift cards in them. Our youth pastor gave Kelly a picture frame filled with random pictures of our youth group from all the years she had been involved in it, even one really goofy one of Kelly, Andrew, and I having a blast at retreat a couple of years back. Seeing that picture made me want to cry all over again, but I didn't. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson gave Kelly a journal filled with a bunch of their crazy stories they always told.

After all the presents were open, they thanked everyone again. Then Matt said, "I think before everyone leaves tonight, we should pray." Everyone gathered around Kelly's family and laid hands on them.

My youth pastor led the prayer. "Heavenly Father, we thank you for bringing this family into all of our lives. Be with them as they travel tomorrow to a new place, keep them safe. Give all of us here a peace about this. I ask that you will encourage all your children here that this is a part of your grand plan for our lives. I pray all these things in your name, Amen."

We said goodbye to all the guests, except for Kelly and her parents. "I wish you didn't have to move, but it's part of God's plan." I said hugging Kelly goodbye.

"Just like it was for Andy, remember that." Kelly said.

"I will. You won't forget about me, will you?"

"How could I? We've been best friends since birth, hard to forget someone like that."

"Forever like David and Jonathan?"

'Forever like David and Jonathan!" This was a little saying we decided too say to each other, after our last fight, to remember we'll always be friends.

"I love you, and I'll call often. Will you be there to say goodbye?"

"I wouldn't be a good friend if I didn't" Then Kelly and her parents left.


Matt and I decided it was best to clean up tomorrow, since it was pushing midnight already. Mom came into the house, just as I was heading up to bed. She was drunk as usual and so Matt took her up to their room. After he dropped Mom off he came back by my room to say goodnight. I was in bed already, so Matt came and sat at the edge of my bed.

"How are you handling all of this?" Matt asked me.

"As well as expected, I guess. It's hard losing your two best friends in two nights. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you too."

"That's why we have this loving god to depend on. He gives and takes away. You never know, what God has planned for your life, but all these things will make you stronger."

"Just like it says in 1 Peter 5:10, "But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after you have suffered a while, perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you."

"Yes, I'm glad you are looking to God for your strength during this tough time."

"I wouldn't think otherwise." Of course I felt this way when I said this, but today is a whole different story.

"Goodnight Amelia. I love you, get some sleep. You have a tough day ahead of you tomorrow."

"I love you too Dad. Goodnight." Matt left my room and from the exhaustion I felt from the past couple of days, l fell asleep.

A Cry Out To Jesus (The Extended Hobson Family Triliogy: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now