Chapter 6

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A month later...

Shraddha's POV

A month. I haven't been in contact with Varun for a month. Not spoke to Siddharth once. It's weird. Our relationship lasted for such a short amount of the time the media didn't even find out. Every day, every hour, every minute, every second... I just think of Siddharth. I now know... that I love him. SO MUCH! But I can't be with him. I don't know what to do. How to face, talk to Varun! I've messaged him so many times, left a hundred voicemails, a thousand calls. But not one was responded to.

Varun's POV

Now a lot has happened in the past month and don't worry, I will tell you all, and why I'm still not talking to Shraddha. I'm not sure I love her anymore... I don't know, ok? Now let's just flashback back to the time to my accident...

"What? Varun!?!" A familiar voice exclaims. I get out of my car.

"Jacqueline?! What?!" I say, but I hug her in joy.

"Get off! It's not funny! Because of your carelessness, we both could have died!" She shouts.

"Yeah, I know. But we didn't, did we?" I say.

"Varun!! Are you drunk or something?" she asks and she drags me to her car and puts me in her passenger seat. "I'm calling your driver to pick up your car. After her call, she hops in and puts on her seat belt while shaking her head.

"Seriously Varun! I never expected you to be so foolish! Drunk driving? Tell me now, what's up with you!"

"Heartbreak..." I say, then fall asleep.

When we got to Jacqueline's house, she put me in one of her guest bedrooms and left me to sleep.

The next morning...

I can smell warm pancakes. As soon as I sit up, my head starts to hurt and I pull my hair. Why did you drink so much Varun? I wake up to see a fresh ironed shirt and jeans on the dressing table. I go to the washroom, brush my teeth and have a quick shower. When I get out, I hop on the clothes. I can't be bothered to style my hair. In the kitchen, Jacqueline is wearing an apron and pouring pancake batter into a pan.

"Mmm! Smells good!" I say as I'm about to grab a pancake.

"Stop! Get off!" Jacqueline commands, whacking my hand with her spatula.

"OK, OK! I'm not getting one!" I laugh, and put my hands in the air.

"I'm still not happy with you! I could have DIED Varun! You have to give me an all-inclusive explanation," She says, with her arms folded.

"Yeah, yeah. But first, give me pancakes!!!!!" I say. She sighs and tosses two pancakes on a plate and swizzles them with maple syrup. "Yumm," I say with delight.

She sits down next to me and puts her head in her hands and says, "I know I'm overreacting. But it's just... I've never felt so frightened before. Death, only one inch away from you. I saved myself. And you, of course. It's just peculiar."

"Mhmmm." I say while mouth is full. I swallow and then join in with this heart to heart. "I know. No-one thinks I care about my responsibilities. But I do, really. I'm sorry for what I did, it's just... I've never been in so much emotional pain before. Trust me, it's worse than breaking a bone." I sigh.

"It's OK Varun,"Jacqueline says soothingly and puts her hand on mine. "I know it's not my right to interfere, but it's always better to spill than bottle it up."

"Well..." I take a deep breath. "There was this girl, who once liked me. When we were like 8. I really didn't like her back. I was stupid then. Thought I was too cool and nobody deserved the 'amazing' me. Then, I... I fell in love with her. We became close, really close, best of friends. I gradually fell madly in love with her. I thought that one day, maybe she would love me again. I was a fool for thinking that. She was with someone else, and didn't even tell me."

"Wow. That was really brave of you. Listen, I have to go in an hour. Stay till I get back. It's nice to have a friend over. And heartbreak, that's not a word in the Jacqueline dictionary!" She exclaims and walks out of the kitchen...

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