Chapter 11

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Varun's POV

I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face. I look on my side but it's empty - no one is there.  I get out of bed and chuck on some clothes and check my phone! There are about 50 messages from Jacqueline.


J= Jacqueline

J: Varun!

J: Where are you?!

J: Why aren't you home for dinner?

J: Are you okay?!?!

J: Varun, are you okay?!?!

J: I'm worried sick Varun, where are you?!

J: Please reply Varun!

Guilt and realization rushes through my body. I now know that I only love Shraddha. But does this mean I have played with Jacqueline's feelings?

Shraddha's POV

I rush inside the agency when I feel strong arms wrap around me. "Siddharth!" I exclaim.

"Today," he groans, "Alia and I make it public. But guess what, I don't have to! Bakhlal said I can be with you only if you don't wanna be with the person he has in store for you. And if fans don't like us together, he'll see to it." I fake smile at him.

"Can I at least see that person?" I ask.

"Who's stopping you?" He twirls me around with a big smile plastered on his face. My stomach churns with guilt.

"Siddharth, I'm sorry. But yesterday, I was depressed and then I saw Varun and then we kissed and..." I say quickly.

He looks at me in shock, tears forming in his eyes. "What?!" He says.

"I didn't think it was going to work out. I'm sorry, I truly am."

"You know what Shraddha! This is the 2nd time you've broken my heart, and that to for Varun. So do what you want now. Bye." He says and walks away. I sob loudly and lean against the wall, falling down to my knees. I cry and cry.

"Take this," I look up and Alia is offering me a tissue with a smile on her face.

"Thanks," I say.

"I was walking through the corridor and couldn't help but overhear... I'm so sorry."

"Don't be. I'm an idiot. Play with a guy's feelings, leave him, get with him again and then betray him. Never ask me for relationship advice." Alia lets out a little life.

"I think I can help you with your problems. I used to help people with their love dilemmas as a VJ before I became an actress. Listen, do what your heart tells you." She smiles, then walks off.

"There's no point sitting here crying," I think. "Go sign the contract with Bakhlal.

I make my way to his office, but decide to wait outside. I can hear him shouting at someone.

"I have told you so many times! Stupid! You are fired! Don't you dare show me your face again! Duffer! Bevakooph!" He shouts.

I knock on the door hesitantly. "Come in!"

"Ahhh, Shraddha. Been practising your signature?" He asks.

I nod. I can't be bothered to deal with his sarcasm. 

"Here you are," and he hands me a paper. "Read through it. It just states I'm your new agent and I control your movie offers, promotion events blah blah."

"Does it say how long you are my manager?" I query.

"No. You can fire me when you want, but I don't think you'll do that." He smirks.

I sign the papers with a sigh. "Welcome partner, to Bakhlal Industries." He held out his hand and I shook it.
"Remember me telling you I had someone in mind for you? Well he's here today. Secretary, call Aditya."
I sighed in relief. It could have been worse. And he's really sweet.
"Hi Aditya!" I exclaimed.
"Now run along, 'lovebirds'."
"Let's go to a restaurant, on me." Aditya said.

Hey lovelies! What's gonna happen next? Will Jacqueline find out! Will Aditya and Shraddha's date cause drama?

The complicated relationships and disappointments!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora