Meant To Be Part 2

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So this is the continuation of Meant to be part 2.
(The smut will be in 3rd person)
    As they both lean in their heads, their lips touch and they both feel a warm feeling run throughout their body. Their lips touch once more only this time, his tongue traces the bottom of her lip gently. Kendall then wraps her arms around his neck as he gently sets her down on the bed.
He then starts to kiss down her neck as her fingers wrap around his hair. As he starts to suck on her neck leaving a hickey, she moans and she traces her hand over his body.
Y/N is then flipped over with her straddling him.She leans down and kisses him.As her soft lips leave his lips, Y/N looks up and see her taking her shirt off. As Y/N stares at her, Kendall begins to cover up and become shy of her body.He quickly grabs her hands and says,"Don't. You are gorgeous." Their lips touch once again but this time their tongues wrestle for dominance. As they fight for dominance, Y/N unhooks her bra on the first try. He lays her down and once again he's on top.
He kisses her neck and kisses down to her breast. Y/N takes one in his hand and massages it while the other one he takes in his mouth. As he flicks her nipple and sucks on it, he hears her moan which gives him a bit more confidence. Y/N then switches to the other breast and he then feels Kendall's hands travel to his jeans.
Her hands massage his bulge. She then unhooks his jeans and slides them down.
He then decides to travel further down and pull off her jeans.
As Kendall feels Y/N kiss down her body, she can't help but moan.
She then feels him touch her underwear. She then hears him say in a husky voice,"Are you soaked for me Kenny? Is this because of me?"
She then whimpers and moans "Please"
"Do you want me to help you? Is that what you're asking me?" He says and takes off my underwear.
He then proceeds to lightly run a finger over her vagina and she moans out "Please Y/N, just do it."
"Well alright. Only since you asked so kindly." He says.
He then drew his hands between her legs and pushed her thighs apart, clearing a path to his target.
Y/N pressed his lips gently to the soft skin on the inside of her knee and then slowly began to tease his way towards the wet heat at the apex of her thighs.
After a few moments of Y/N's torturously slow kisses, her fingers tangled in his hair and tugged at the strands until he moved where she wanted him and extended his tongue.
Kendall groaned as Y/N's tongue stroked her, and he moaned into her slick flesh contently.
"Oh, fuck," Kendall gasped, blindly clawing at the sofa with her free hand, as Y/N's lips wrapped around her clit and began to suck her.
"Just like that," Kendall whimpered, tightening her fingers in his hair momentarily as he swirled his tongue around her sensitive nub.
Y/N worked relentlessly between her legs, sucking her clit and tonguing the pink, sensitive, engorged lips of her pussy so that when Kendall's fingers finally found a pillow to hold on to, the pleasure flowing through her body made her clench her fist so tightly she briefly crushed part of the pillow in her hand.
Kendall's hips began to jerk and Y/N could feel her inner-muscles clenching around his tongue signalling that she was only moments away from coming. He intensified his efforts, wanting to make her climax.
Blunted nails clawed at pillow and Kendall moaned as the orgasm rocked her body. Her head flung to the side and her cheek pressed against the cushion as her back arched in an attempt to keep as much contact as possible between her and Y/N's mouth.
  Y/N pulled away from her and then moved to cover her whole body. He stripped off his boxers and Kendall  looked down gulped. She was right. He was very big, huge actually.

"Are you sure?" Y/N asked worried and Kendall nodded before touching his member softly.

"God. Are you going to fit?" Kendall said as Y/N groaned

"I don't know, But we can stop whenever you want." Y/N says and reached into the drawer of the side table and pulled out the box of condoms and opened it and pulled out a package.
  Y/N  kissed her softly before opening the package and then rolled the rubber onto his cock.
"Are you sure? I don't want you regret anything"Y/N said rubbing his tip to her clit and then around her entrance.

"I'm sure. I never regret anything that you do." Kendall said placing a hand on his cheek. "I love you."

"I love you too" Y/N said before kissing her and thrusting slowly into her. He saw Kendall tense up as she was being stretched and tears begin to flow down her cheeks as Y/N broke past her barrier.

A sob filled the room as Kendall  hugged Y/N tightly and Y/N stopped moving.

"No don't stop, it will pass" Kendall said as Y/N stared into her eyes.

"I want it to be that you are feeling pleasure too." Y/N said and Kendall  smiled with a tear running down her cheek knowing his concern for her.

"It's always bad the first time. Y/N don't worry you already made me cum. You don't have to again" Kendall said and Y/N nodded but frowned. He wanted her to cum over and over again. Once wasn't good enough for him. He knew if he tried hard enough he could make her cum again.

One of his hands went down her body and came in contact with her clit. She let out a small moan and Y/N started to thrust in and out of her. His fingers were playing and rubbing her clit as Kendall  tried to focus on the pleasure instead of pain.

A moan escaped her mouth as pleasure shot through her body.

"Y/N.." Kendall moaned. Y/N smirked before kissing her softly. He started to thrust harder and faster in and out of her. They were kissing but they pulled away as they moaned and groaned out in pleasure.

Minutes past as they became sweaty masses of muscle and skin and Slapping sounds of Y/N  hitting the underside of Kendall and wet sounds as Y/N pulled in and out of Kendall.

Y/N's arms were hoisted up on the bed as he went as fast as he could. Kendall  was clinging to him and moaning. Her legs were wrapped tightly around his waist and soon they both felt close to their goal.

"Kendall" Y/N groaned nuzzling her neck softly. Kendall started to moan his name over and over again. Her legs were tightly wrapped around him as were her walls that Y/N was pushing in and out of. "Fuck." Y/N swore as he drove into her harder and slopply as he was sitting on the edge of his organsm ready to jump.

"Y/N! Ah!" Kendall screamed softly as she then went light on the bed breathing hard. Y/N came after collasping on top of her softly.

Y/N felt like he was going to pass out as his joints ached and he got off Kendall slowly. He shook her and she groaned a little. She looked at him and kissed him softly.

"God Y/N" Kendall breathed. Y/N pulled away and pulled out of her and then took off the condom.

"You bled baby." Y/N told her and Kendall nodded.

"It's normal" Kendall  said and Y/N  threw the condom away before going back to bed. He buried one hand in her sweaty hair.

"You are so hot like this" Y/N mumbled before bringing a hand to trace the love bite he had given her. He grinned before kissing Kendall softly.

"I'm wouldn't be complaining if our make-out sessions end like this." Kendall said tracing his six pack.
  "So what are we?" Kendall asked looking into Y/N's eyes.
"Do you want to be my girlfriend?"Y/N asked and Kendall smiled.
  "Of course. I love you but I just was scared you didn't feel the same way." She said while avoiding Y/N's eyes.
  "I love you and that explains why you acted like my girlfriend with the girl. But now you don't have to act because you are my girl."

  I know I took a while to write this chapter and that's because I didn't know how to write it.I hope you guys enjoy.
Also tell me some suggestions for the next imagine.
The next imagine might be on Friday or Thursday.
  But for now I have to bathe in holy water🙈.

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