Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

10 years later

I snapped my eyes open and looked around my room, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. My posters were hanging on my walls covering the white in them with bands and pictures of me and Zanaisa. I sat up and stretched, cracking my bones in my back and legs.

I stood up as they called my name for breakfast. I sighed and brushed my teeth, not bothering to get dressed since its the weekend. I put my black cross necklace with a marble in the middle around my neck. I grabbed my blanket, put it around me and grabbed my mothers picture from under my pillow. I placed it neatly in the front pocket of my sleep shirt.

I opened my door to face two teens Josh and Kevin. I stared at them with a blank face and tried to push past them. They pushed me back into my room and slammed my door. I glared at them.

"Aww look at little Ruruka still with his blankie" Josh stated going to grab it. I pulled back before he could but Kevin grabbed it anyways. He went to yank it out my hands and I yanked back. Josh held me back and forced my hands open, making me let go. My back hit the floor hard and my moms picture flew out the pocket.

Kevin made big holes and cut up threads on the blanket with scissors. I gapped at him in shock. I punched Josh in the stomach and he let go. I ran up to Kevin as he threw my blanket down and punched him in the eye, making it red. He stumbled back and I was even surprised myself I hit both of them, but I was too angry to think about it for long.

"What do we have here?" I heard the amusement in Josh's voice. I spun around to him holding my moms picture and I pressed my pocket to feel it empty. I glared at him and went to get it back and Kevin held me back, laughing.

"Is this some girl you're fucking? Got her knocked up, didn't you?" He taunted. The sound of ripping caused me to freeze. There, in front of me, I saw Josh ripping up the picture of my mother.

Something familiar welled up inside of me and I screamed which caused both of them to freeze. They had never heard my voice before. Zanaisa ran into the room quickly and looked around until her eyes landed on me, on the floor and both boys in the room. I couldn't think and I just screamed and screamed.

"Both of you get out! Go downstairs, ill deal with you two later! NOW!" Zanaisa ordered. They both ran out but I didn't care. I screamed my little heart out, hot tears falling down my face. Zanaisa observed what happened and grabbed me, holding me to her chest as he rocked back and forth.

"Shh shh. It's okay honey. Ill give them the worst punishment. You need to calm down. Just calm down." She cooed at me while petting my hair, and hugged me tight, giving me all her love.

After an hour of sobbing, Zanaisa grabbed my blanket and left, promising to be right back. I sniffled as I crawled to the ripped up picture. I heard my door open and met 8 pairs of big, shiny eyeballs. Sophie, Amanda, Drake and Lisa timidly stepped in, holding some supplies along with hot chocolate.

They adored me even though I will barely speak. They walked in, closing the door. Sophie was a blue eyed blondie, age 6, with a small pink dress with a black poodle on it.

Amanda is a red head with green eyes and two pig tails. She was 5 years old, the youngest out of all of them. She had on her pjs with fuzzy socks.

Drake is the only boy that are best friends with all of them. He was the oldest, age 8. He had on jeans and a green shirt holding the hot chocolate. He had brown eyes and brown hair.

Lastly, was black haired Lisa who had grey eyes and most of her teeth except two or 3 were missing. She was also 6 years old. Sophie was the first to speak up.

"Um. Naisa said that josh and Kevin were meanies and ripped a picture up..."

Drake joined in, "We brought you some hot chocolate and thought we could help you put it back together." He smiled at me.

"Yeah! Yeah!" Amanda hopped up and down, her pig tails bouncing. I chuckled a bit wiping my tears on my sleeve as Drake handed me the hot chocolate.

"Thanks you guys." I mumbled and nodded, taking a sip. They sat down in a circle in front of me and I showed them what was ripped. We got down to business and in the matter of half an hour, we finished putting it back together in the best way possible.

"She's so pretty!!!" Amanda exclaimed. She held the picture for everyone to see. They all gasped, and stared at the picture.

"She looks like you." Lisa stated and everyone looked at the picture to me. They all nodded.

"Yeah. She's my mommy." I explained and smiled at them. Sophie clapped and they all started complimenting her. It made me feel a bit better. We started making necklaces out of colorful beads. I made one for all 4 of them and next thing we knew, it was time for lunch and for the kids to play outside.

I stood up, holding Lisa and Amanda's hands as the other two followed behind me, down the stairs. They ran off out into the playground as I walked into the kitchen. I grabbed a few grapes and watched them play.

That's when I noticed the sky. There was going to be a storm. A big one.

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