Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ruruka's POV

I look up and stare at the necklace that is currently dangling from my pointer finger. I am currently in bed, having the flu except I don't feel sick anymore, just a huge headache. I am humming this really catchy lullaby that was in one of my dreams that I've been having. It's a bit frustrating that you can't see people's faces properly in dreams. Even if I did, I most likely forgot.

But anyways, I'm just staring up at the beautiful necklace that is one of the items my mother left behind when I was a child. All I know is that she died on the front steps of the orphanage of blood loss. They found me wrapped in a blanket, her hands in my hair, with the necklace, blanket with my name on it and a picture, which was the one Zanaisa gave to me when I was 7.

I gently caressed the marble that was in the middle. It was really nice. I traced the design on the cross till the very pointy tip at the end. I continued to hum the song, kissing the cross and put it right back on my neck, safely. I heard footsteps and sat up slowly when I saw Zanaisa walk in with an familiar looking man. He was pretty tall and oh my god, I couldn't take my gaze away from those eyes. It was the color of grey but almost silver.

He had a very long trench coat on with a hoodie. He had on black boots with a small chain. It was a gothic sort of style. He had nice, black, wavy locks that were a bit past his shoulders and a serious look on his face. He looked strangely familiar. VERY familiar.

Zanaisa looked a bit nervously at me while I just sat on my bed, knees up, staring at this man. His gaze dropped down to mine and he froze. There was a bit of tension in the room. I played with a bit of fabric that was hanging off my pants. Zanaisa was the first to speak.

"Um. Ruruka, this is-"

The named popped into my head out of nowhere and I spoke quietly, the name slipping past my lips without wanting it to.

"Luka." His gaze snapped to mine and my eyes widen. I cleared my throat a bit and whispered a 'nice to meet you'. He extended a hand and smiled a bit.

"Hello Ruruka. I remember when you were just a tiny baby." He greeted me. THAT'S WHERE I KNEW HIM FROM. In the pictures 10 years ago. He was always next to my mom, holding her stomach. Then a question burst past my lips.

"Are you my father?" I asked. It took him off guard. Really off guard that he took a step back. I mean, I know I shouldn't have asked out of nowhere but in the pictures, when he was with my mom, he would always be holding and protecting her belly. I had to ask. Zanaisa butted in.

"Ruruka, you cannot be going around asking questions like that." She told me sternly. I glanced at her an apology.

"It's fine. No I am not your father Ruruka." He bit his bottom lip and chewed on it a bit. I caught another idea and asked.

"You want to say something?" I don't know how I knew that was a way of saying that he wanted to say something but I just knew. It was all just hitting me. It's like I've met him before and knew alot about him. He flinched and took his gaze away. I can read him so clearly yet at the same time I couldn't. Then words kept flying past my lips.

"You are like an open book. I can read you so clearly yet I can't. Who are you? Why do I know you?" I stared at him unmoved. Not blinking. I was staring at him but straight past him. He stared at me, no emotion in his face. "I don't just know you from pictures. I know that voice! Who are you?!" My voice raised higher. I couldn't control what I was saying. I was so confused. I know him and its frustrating to not remember.

"Ruruka..." That deep voice. His voice. I looked at him but his lips weren't moving.

"Ruruka..." It was a women's voice. It sounded so gentle yet full of pain. Sadness. I looked around.

"Ruruka..." It was a dark voice. It sounded like multiple voices at once. The voice started laughing and I looked around the room frantically. Both Luka and Zanaisa saw this and took a step towards me.

My heart was beating so fast. It's happening again. I started sweating a bit. I was shaking and the voice laughed.

"Aww don't be scared." It taunted and I looked at the end of my bed. There was another me but a scary, demoic looking version of me. Holy fuck! It started laughing again, disappeared and ended up in front of me. I jumped and crawled back but the other me just followed me.

"Hush little baby, don't you cry..." He started singing. Then he switched to the song I started humming earlier before laughing. "You will know everything in the near future. All I can say for now is, grow stronger..." He paused and grabbed my face. He went close to my ear and whispered sternly, "and let me out!" The other me disappeared and the pain began.


Luka's POV (whoop :o)

We watched him and he stared off into nothing. Then after a few minutes, he grabbed his chest and shut his eyes tightly. He opened his mouth in a attempt to scream in pain but couldn't. He could only gasp for air as his powers along with his blood craved side tried the force itself out of the seal.

I wanted to desperately do something. All I could do it attempt to lesson the pain and stronger the seal but that would lead to him having the pain worse in the future. I did what instincts and my love told me to do. I sat on the bed and pulled him to my chest, even if I just seem like a stranger to him. I slid my hand up his shirt, to his chest and let a bit of my power out to lesson the pain for him.

He was breathing heavily, a bit of sweat going down his temple as he leaned his head on my shoulder. He didn't know what he was doing to me. I rubbed the middle of his chest to release some tension from that area. He started to calm down a bit after a while. I mumbled, almost forgotten Zanaisa was there.

"Get him a bucket, quickly." She rushed off and a minute later, came back with a big bucket. A second not too long, he choked and threw up the soup and medicine that he took earlier today.

30 minutes of throwing up, eating soup and humming later, he was fast asleep. I tucked him into bed and kissed his head. My heart beat picked up as I petted him. I exited the room to see Nasia standing there. I walked past her, " we need to tell him."

She looked at me, "but!"

"No buts! He needs to know Zanaisa. We can't just keep it from him. I don't want to tell him either but our hands are tied here."

"Can't we wait till he's 18 years old?" She tried to reason with me.

I shook my head. " that's when it will be at its worst. We need to tell him as soon as possible."

She sighed, "we will tell him in two weeks. His birthday is in a month so that will give us time to figure out what we can do the last two weeks before anything happens." I thought about it and nodded.

"Two weeks..."

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