Chapter 16

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~~Let me know if i should leave it in third person because I just feel it would alot more detailed in third person then just in first person but ill leave it up to you guys. Maybe switch back and forth from time to time. Also, I like the video! Yhey look a bit like Ruruka's demon with the white long hair and slits for his pupils (plus the gore) lol kbye! ~~

Chapter 16

Still in Third Person

The group ran outside and looked in Kanda's direction because he is the one that would know where the demon was. As they were waiting for him to locate Ruruka, some got impatient and kept trying to rush him to hurry up. He groaned in frustration.

"Can you please SHUT UP and let me concentration!" he practically yelled and everyone went silent. He did a silent thank you and went back to what he was doing. He then looked up and told Luka where he had ran off to. He also said that they needed to get to him quick because it is bad. And off they went.

As they arrived, downtown was in havoc as many humans was screaming, running in all different directions. In the distance, a building was on fire and the demon was sticking onto the side of it, smashing his hand in and grabbing a man before throwing him out of the window that about 50 feet up. Luka automatically reacted and jumped up high, grabbing the man in midair before falling onto the ground, unharmed.


In the back of Rurukas mind, the black substance started to grow as he grew weak.

"You lied to me! You said everyone will be safe! And what is this stuff?!" he screamed at the demon controlling his body.

"I didn't lie to you. I said you will get out of there without dying and that the people you care about will be safe. I didn't say anyone else. I'm just trying to have a bit of fun. You need to lighten up my dear." He chuckled as the multiple voices echoed in the empty red room he was trapped in. the only thing that was there was a door, the black covering the floor, and something that looked like a screen to show what the demon saw. The darkness started to reach higher and again, he started to feel consumed like when he first switched with the demon. He knew he couldn't sit around and wait until the demon slaughtered the whole town. He pulled on his limbs and they were really hard to pull out of the black bubbling thing that crawled up his arm. The more he pulled, the faster it climbed until wrapped around his neck and gripped tight. He froze as some oxygen was cut off but he struggled more until the darkness started to crumble little by little.

He pulled his body forward with all his might until he broke out of it but once he took two steps to the door, the darkness reacted quickly and latched onto both ankles. He groaned in frustration and after a few tries, he finally made it to the door an swung it open running out of the room that kept him trapped.


Ruruka's POV

I opened my eyes and was hit with sunlight that made me squint a bit. I blinked and the first thing I felt was something gushy and a metallic taste in my mouth.

I looked down to see a half eaten corpse with my hands buried in him. I all but ripped my hands out disgustedly to see claws as hands and coughed as something was still in my mouth. When I opened my mouth to take it out, a gunk of fresh meat slid down my tongue onto the pavement. I started shaking like a leaf.

That's when I felt something or more like things fluttering behind me. I turned my head to see a giant air of wings and a tail. All of time stopped. Like it literally froze. Everyone expect the group of people I recognized didn't move.

When I saw Luka move, I tensed up which made him stop. I don't know why but I didn't want him near me. I didn't want anyone near me but at the same time, I did. I wanted him to comfort me but I'm scared if anyone got closer, I wouldn't control what I did next.

As another one shuffled closer, my head snapped towards him and my eyes burned as they glowed. I glowered at Kanda without really meaning to, my white hair brushing against my eyes.

"D-don't come any closer... I don't know what I am capable of doing t-to you guys. I- I'm not myself." I stammered through my words. I looked at my hands that were bloodied with someone else's blood that I just murdered.

"Hey Ruruka..." I snapped my head up to see that Luka moved a bit towards me and a growl I didn't recognized was me slipped out of my throat and my body tensed. I realized that the demon and me were both surfaced now. It wasn't only me and it wasn't only him.

Luka started to talk again. "I just need to put this necklace on you so we won't have to worry about HIM okay?" He took out the necklace that I pulled off from around my neck that my mother gave me. "I just need you to not do anything. Can you do that for me?" He asked gently as he shuffled closer.

I debated until I nodded and at the same time, the demon shook his head. Luka took that as a sign to get closer and I tensed up against. My body went on all fours without my consent. My mind clicked to the dream I had a while ago of me attacking Luka.

I pleaded in my head to not attack him. Tears went down my face the same time a growl came out. My body backed up as my wings fluttered, waiting to get in the air. As I was focused on Luka, it didn't register that Derek was behind me until I went to leap at Luka, and my body crashed to the floor.

My tail whipped out and dove into Derek's side as the wings flapped to get him off my back. He only grunted a bit at the stab before a sharp pain went down my spine. A few seconds later, my vision blurred and I shook my head to get rid of the bright colors in front of my eyes. I laid on the floor as my body felt like lead.

It was the same drug that they used during my birthday. I noticed that Derek gotten off me when I felt the heavy weight of his body get off of my wings. Luka made his way over to me and clipped the necklace back in and just like that, I felt the demon get sucked back quickly into the back of my mind. My body started cracking as bones slowly started to rearrange itself and I looked like myself again. I faintly saw my claws going back in, into bloody but human hands and my hair went back to its nightly black.

Luka lifted my head onto his lap as he barked orders to Kanda and Zanaisa about taking care of the town. They nodded and a minute later, a bubble appeared around us and spread out quickly all over the area. Once it was done, it popped and everyone was walking downtown like nothing ever happened. The dead body I had was now gone. The burning building. The cement on the floors. Everything was fixed and clean.

Everyone's memories were erased leaving only our small group to remember what happened.

"W-what will happen to t-the people who d-died?" I whispered as we were snapped back onto the mansion's porch. Luka picked me up and I faintly saw a wounded Derek follow behind us. He looked really bad and I forgotten for a second that the tail had poison that he obviously took. He made his way into the infirmary with Miranda and Luka behind him as he started to talk.

"Unfortunately, they don't come back to life and the people that knew him doesn't know he exist..." He said softly as he walked I to the infirmary and laid me down on one of the beds. It was next to the one next to Derek's who is getting treated. A curtain separated us which I was a bit thankful for. "But right now, you need rest. We will talk later. Don't worry, I'll be right here." He said and once that was stated, my eyes dropped as I drifted.

Everything was okay.

Well for now.

~~hey, you guys!!! Sorry for waiting a while. I take these meds that knock me out so I started writing earlier before I take them :/ it sucks. But anywhore, hope you like it! :* vote and comment and I'll be writing another chapter ^.^ KBye!~~

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