Chapter 8

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Two chapter in one day. Then after this, if I'm not tired, I'll definitely make the chapter for My Vampire Boy. I just like we're this story is going so far.

Chapter 8

Ruruka's POV

"...and let me out." I whispered. Luka and Zanaisa heard me and snapped their head at me. I grabbed my necklace and shook my head.

"Sorry. You can continue." I mumbled. He stared at me for a good minute and then continued slowly.

"One battle was too much and you gotten badly injured because we were surrounded by a few high rankers. It was a surprise attack and they gotten to you. We didn't think too much on it until you suddenly changed and killed them with a snap of a finger. But the problem is that most of the time when it happens, we could snap you back but we didn't know what was different from that time and the others." He stopped and hesitated. What I heard next, broke my heart.

"Zanaisa killed you that day. We couldn't stop you and get you to wake up. The dark side of you consumed you and we couldn't get you back. So Zanaisa did a spell that only we and lucifer knows and she killed you..." And I wasn't listening anymore.

It was so much to consume. My best friend killed me. All of this was thrown at me. In two weeks, my power will burst out, along with my murderious side. I was scared. Beyond scared that I wanted someone to blame. I glared at Zanaisa.

"Why didn't you tell me?!" I said harshly. She looked at me, shock that i raised my voice and guilt on her face.

"You think it's easy? Try putting yourself in my shoes!" She said stepping out of the booth. Now she was glaring and she never glared towards me. My anger overruled my thought process.

"You lied to me this whole time! Lied about everything! You could have told me growing up. At least that I should know I'm the fucking son of the devil! And you!" I said pointing to Luka. "Where were you when I needed you if I was your so called soul mate?!" I should stop now but I was just so overwhelmed, so upset. And I never curse unless I'm really angry.

Zanaisa butted in, "Do not talk to him! It wasn't his fault!" I know the next words I said was out of line.

"Why are you so protective of him? I thought you were suppose to be protecting me. That's your job isn't it? What, are you guys fuc-...!" Zanaisa's ringed fist came flying toward my cheek and with a sickening crack, I landed on the floor, tipping a table over and two ice creams fell on top of me and in my hair.

Everyone stopped everything to stare at us. I held my cheek tightly in one hand and Zanaisa looked at me, shocked and mirroring my expression like she could feel it. Luka stood up quickly and pushed Zanaisa to the side lightly to run over to me, but I stood up myself.

Zanaisa looked at her fist but when she looked up, I had already gone out the doors, leaving both of them behind.


I burst past the orphanage doors and ran upstairs, ignoring the laughter, the name calling and the taunts of others. My eyes burn but I refused to let the tears fall. I was humiliated enough already.

I slammed my door shut and locked it, making sure no one can get in. I stripped and turned the shower on, turning it up to hot water. I jumped it and immediately, the tears fell. The ice cream and dirt from when I fell on my way here, came off. I needed to grow up. I'm still trying to hide behind people and I hated myself for it. I felt so weak and vulnerable.

I slammed my fist against the shower wall and pain shot up my arm. Fuck! I held my fist to get feeling back into it before I washed up and finished my shower. When I got out, I wrapped my waist in a towel and grabbed scissors. I decided what I wanted to do and soon I was cutting and snipping away. Chunks of hair fell in the sink and when I was finished, I was pleased with my job.

My hair wasn't past my shoulders anymore but was really short, a bit long at the nape of the neck. I still had a lot of hair on my head, but it wasn't long as it was before. It was a nice length.

I felt a bit lighter and felt like a bit of a new person. I'm turning eighteen in two weeks. I'm growing up so i have to start acting like it. I sighed as I dried my body and put of some comfortable sweatpants and a t shirt. I sat on my bed and grabbed my moms picture and stroked it a bit before laying down, staring at my poster filled wall before drifting.


We were walking hand and hand, smiling at each other and me giggling randomly at silly things he said. It switched and we were dancing together, both in tuxes. I saw a wedding cake to my left In the corner eye and lots of people dressed up. I haven't felt this happy in my life.

It switched again and I put the whatever I had in my hand, on my shoulder, kind of like a shoulder bag but it wasn't. I was dead tired and a bit beat up from i don't know how. Just as we were about to walk, pain shot from my chest to my abdominal area.

It switched and I was on all fours, red vision glaring at my target, growling ready to pounce. But to my surprise, it was Luka I was about to jump.

"Ruruka!" He yelled before I leaped.

I shot out of bed so quickly and backed up against my dresser. I was breathing heavily. I touched my eyes for a second, then my mouth. When I felt no sharp fangs, I sighed in relief. I glanced at the window to see an orange horizon meaning the sun was about to come up.

I sighed and sat on my bed, thinking. I was starting to remember bits and pieces of my dreams now. It's been a week and a half since the incident with Zanaisa and she still hasn't talked to me or confronted me and neither have I. I haven't seen Zanaisa nor Luka since that day. I have 2 more days till my birthday and today I was leaving the orphanage. Mostly, I was glad until I remembered the 4 munchkins that helped me cope all these times. I'm going to miss them.

I gotten ready and by the time I was done and had my things downstairs, people were just starting to wake up. I entered the kitchen and made coffee while I grabbed two packets of pop tarts. I opened the wrapper, broke a piece off and plopped it in my mouth. I grabbed my cup and sat on the porch with my knees up, just thinking. The sky was getting a bit lighter as moments passed.

It's going to a difficult 2 days when you are constantly worrying about the pain of awakening your power. All this stress and lack of sleep is weighing on me. I relied on lots of sweets during the day.

A while later, a driver drives in front of the orphanage and parks but leaves the car on. Luka steps and walks toward me, giving me a small smile before the driver grabs my bags and puts them in the car.

"You ready?" I look at him and was about to answer when I felt a tug on my shirt. I looked down to see the 4 best friends Sophie, Amanda, Drake and Lisa together, holding colorful bracelets.

Drake spoke up, "We made these for you so you will remember us."

They handed them to me and I put two on each arm before giving them tight hugs.

"Thanks for being there for me you guys. You guys are the best" I pulled away a little. "Drake, now it's your role to watch out for the girls okay?" Drake nodded, all of their eyes glistening.

"Come back to us Ruru. We will be waiting." Lisa said. I chuckled a bit at the nickname and kissed their foreheads before standing and made my way to the limousine. The driver opened the door and I smiled politely at him before getting in.

Luka got in next and sat next to me. He spoke up, "You would want to get comfortable. We are leaving the state so it will be a few hours." I nodded, looking out the window.

We made conversation during the first hour of the drive about how he liked the new haircut but loved my long hair better. I cracked a smile when he twirled a finger in my hair. Then he put his hand on my cheek that the bruise that was fading was on. I winced a bit and he apologized.

He rubbed his thumb on my cheek, looking me in the eye and I smiled a real smile. My heart that thumping loudly and even if I only knew him a few weeks, I can say I love him. We only knew each other a bit over a month and I felt like I known him forever. Well, considering we were together in the past, I would say I did.

He leaned down slowly, his eyes watching me the entire time. I answered him silently and a second later, his lips were on mine.

~holy cow tits! Well, there will be a little naughty scene next but ill wait till tomorrow :D I'm off to update, MVB. Kbye!~

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