Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ruruka's POV

I felt so bad to hurt Zanaisa. I wouldn't look her in the eye when I see her.

That was 1 week ago.

When he took over, I felt...


I couldn't move and have control over my body. It felt like I was being... I don't know. Devoured kind of.

I didn't tell anyone, especially Luka. I don't want him to carry that burden or get even more worried and protective like he is now.

I sighed as I walked down the long, dark corridors to this huge mansion. I felt lost. I'm not use to this environment at all and never dreamed of living somewhere like this. I didn't know what to do with myself.

Luka said I had to stay indoors and unless I wanted to go somewhere then I have to get him, Miranda, Kanda or Derek to come with.

Controlling much? I think yes.

Miranda and Kanda is at school but they don't prefer for me to go yet. I don't know where Luka is and Derek is in his room but I doubt he would want to see me.

I started to open and close doors to explore and figure out where everything is. I opened a door to probably the 20th room and was shocked to see what was in there.

It was Derek's room. I noticed by his scent since he had a particular one and his weapon that stood up against the wall. Hm. I sneaked in the room, shutting the door quietly.

I also heard either him or Luka had the key to the big glass container that had the sword in it. I faintly heard the shower running in his room so I started being the nosy person I am and tried looking for the key. I dug in drawers and looked under the bed. When I thought I was going to give up finding it, I noticed something shiny in his fish tank. I ran over to it and peeked inside. The key was on the small treasure chest as the lid kept opening and closing a bit.

Only one problem.

There were piranhas in there. Who keeps piranhas as a pet?

Well... Apparently Derek.

They swam around evilly, glaring at me from the side few. This would be a great time for me to know how to use my powers.

"I can help you..."

I froze dead in my tracks when I heard his multiple voices in my head.

"C'mon, don't you want to get it? It's your sword that they are holding hostage from you. Just trust me on this.." He chuckled a bit. I took a deep breath.

"And how would you do that?" I asked, my heart beating going a mile a minute. I listened to see if the shower was still on and it wasn't. I panicked a bit. Once I noticed the shower wasn't on, my hand started to change and look more creepy like. My whole arm started to burn like it was on fire. I bit my lip and dug my hand in the tank. The piranhas were going to dive at my hand but then all of a sudden, cowered away from it. I quickly grabbed the key and shot my arm out just as it went back to normal but looked like really bad burns.

The bathroom door swung open as I put the key in my pocket, holding my injured arm. Derek walked out with his boxers on, hair and chest still wet. He noticed me and glared.

"What the hell are you doing in my room?!" He barked but then noticed my arm. "Oh my god. What the fuck happened?" He started to walk towards me but I moved back. I threw my arms out to try to tell him to dont get close but that was a bad idea. Something shot out of my hand and slammed him up against the wall. I jumped and squeaked when he groaned before standing up.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to..." I panicked as he quickly grabbed an arrow and his bow, aiming it at me.

"Out of my room NOW!" I ran out and close the door just as a saw the point of the arrow go through the door near my head. I ran down the long corridor, opening and then slamming it shut. I took a deep breath before jumping when I heard another voice.

"Getting yourself into trouble hm?" I turned around to see Anthony smirking a bit, sitting down. I looked around and noticed I was in his office. I went to apologize but he silenced me and motioned me over to his desk. He took out a first aid kit and began working on my arm that was healing but still burned badly in most places.

"I'm not going to ask what happened but please stay out of Derek's room. He likes his own privacy and doesn't let anyone in there." He stated as he kept wrapping the bandage around my arm.

I just nodded and stood quiet as he finished up. When he was done, both of us stood up and I thanked him and walked out slowly. I didn't see him in the hall anymore as I breathed a sigh of relief. I opened the door wider and stepped out as Anthony waved at me.

I walked down the hall and let my feet carry me as I was a bit lost in my thoughts. When I blinked and saw that my feet weren't moving, I looked up and came face to face with the glass case.

~~short chapter but I updated at least :c hope you enjoy~~

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