two hours left

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My eyes adjusting to the sun through the small window. My body felt achy due to the way I slept last night. Lifting my head up and stretching out my arms. "Good morning baby" the deep but yet calm voice of Karma struck me. I blushed lightly and smiled gently towards him. "Good morning" I kissed his cheek lifting myself up a bit. He turned my head to meet his eyes. His lips met mine. I blushed kissing him back. I broke it still holding my chin.

I remembered what i did last night. My blush became more clear. "AHHH" I turned my back to karma. He touched my shoulder trying to calm me down. "everything alright?" he ask leaning close. I turned fast and started shaking my hands "AH yeah, everything alright. uh..yeah! everything is great! Just fine and dandy!" I stuttered as I scratched the back of neck. "You seem a little jumpy Nagisa." He started questioning me, I wanted to get the memory out of my head but still it was sweet but why was I so nervous. He is my boyfriend. "Yes Im fine" I stopped over thinking, Im surprised he didn't notice the kiss I put on him last night.

Karma leaned back in my chair again and smirked looking over at me, "the steridist said breakfast will be out once everyone is awake, Also your kiss last night surprised me. I thought it was a dream till I woke up" He chuckled. I looked over at him with shock, So he did get the kiss. I looked down and held on to my pant leg with both hands "awe Nagisa~" He wrapped his arm around me pulling me closer to him. I mumbled something before he kissed my head.

Once everyone was awake the steridist brought us breakfast like Karma said. We all got either pancakes or waffles. Karma got the pancakes and I got the waffles. Of course we fed each other. The drink we got was milk. Yes we did eat our own food but we still fed each other since we got different things. Karma enjoyed this. This was what we do. Everyone got used to use being all lovey dovey during the flight.

"alright kids! we have atleast three more hours of this!" Koro sensi explained holding his tentacles up. Everyone cheered. My excitement grew stronger, I really couldnt wait for what disney had in store; Or what Karma had in store.

Karma rested his hand on the arm rest so I held his hand. He smiled continuing to read his book. I was also reading some book, we were reading the same series. I suggested reading a series together. The series was a story about a clan of cats. I was on the third book, Karma was on the second book. He just started reading it probaly last week. He seemed to enjoy the series. He sometimes talks about it.

Karma talked to Rio...again. Maybe I am getting just a little tiny bit jealous, but look at her shes pretty, has long blonde hair, blue eyes, always talking to Karma, and lets not forget on crucial detail..she's a girl. I dont know why it makes me worry that Karma likes her more than he'll ever love me. He could be planning to leave me after this flight and go with Rio. Of course I wanted his attention, but he gives it to me all the time so for now I'll won't bother him.

Kayano appeared over her seat "heeyyyy Nagisa~" She smiled poking at my cheek she seemed to be wanting my attention so I put my book down. "Hi kayano!" I said cheerfully, she smiled and continued poking at my cheek. "Im soon boooooored I hope we get off this plane soon." Kayano whined. I chuckled at her whining. I remember when I used to like her, but now my feelings towards her have faded away. "well we do have an hour left so you dont need to worry unless ya know something happens" okay no I'm not trying to scare her I'm just saying the flight can be slowed down to weather. "Nooo dont say those things!" she placed her hands upon her head squealing and shaking it to get the thought of something happening out of her head I guess.

~Karma POV~

I heard them chatting. Was I jealous? Damn right I was. But I wont budge in unless I would have to. If Kayano or Nagisa get too close to each other, I will do stuff. But they are just friends like Rio and I. I wouldn't date her, and I know Nagisa would never cheat. He's trusting. One of the many reasons I love him.

I held his hand tighter. Our finger laced together. Not letting go. Just the way I told him. I brought his hand up to my mouth kissing it gently, yes I did that in the middle of my consversation with Rio. He blushed lightly. Kayano squealed loudly fan-girling over stupid shit like what I just did. Rio just chuckled "You two love birds better be quiet in the hotel." Rio joked around. "Ha! Now that you say that I'll make him moan louder. You played yourself" I laughed. I was kidding. But surpisingly Nagisa didn't hear. I can only imagine what he would do if he heard.

Rio and I cracked a few jokes or just talked a bit about life. I looked over at Nagisa who was still talking to Kayano. Im surprised that sugino didn't pair up with Kayano just so he can talk to Nagisa. He must know that he's not allowed to be near him. God I really hated him. I want to hurt him. But I can't unless I have to. I leaned back in my chair ending the conversation with Rio. I pressed my teeth together trying let go of my hatred towards that bitch Sugino.

Nagisa rested his hand upon my shoulder, calming me down. He doesn't realize what he can do to me. Maybe he does. I looked over seeing his smile. He was so adorable. I pushed the thought of Kayano and Sugino behind. "I love you karma." his warm smile and soft voice made me forget about all of it. I smiled back "I love you too, Nagisa"

Unbreakable love  (Karma x Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now