a walk around the world

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~Nagisa POv ~

Karma and I walked out of the hotel room and waited for koro sensi to give us the clear that we could go to the park.

Karasuma walked over to us with his usual crossed arms, he had his usual stern look also. "You guys may go but just be careful and go to epcot first. One more thing keep quiet the walls are thin" Karasuma walked away directing the other kids, my face changed to a bright red. Just thinking that people heard me moaning embarrasses me.

Karma grabbed my arm and dragged us the to the bus that takes us to the park we go to.

We sat on the bus together holding hands with my head laying upon my shoulder. "What should we do first?" Karma asks as he rubs his thumb on my skin. I thought about what disney has in store. "Im thinking we can get those cute ears they have." I looked over smiling a little. "Alright, we'll see which ones they have. Did you bring your camera?" Karma rests his head upon mine. I nodded "hmhm" I pulled it out and held it above us smiling looking at the camera. I took a quick photo then put it away.

We walked into the park seeing a huge ball. I was curious on what it was but first ears. We walked to a small store getting the ears. Karma and I both got just the normal boring boy ears. I took another picture in front of the ball.

"Hey lets go on this" Karma pointed at the ball, I agreed holding his hand we walked to the ball and waited in line.

When it was our turn to get on we both noticed the long car, it could carry so many people

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When it was our turn to get on we both noticed the long car, it could carry so many people. I got in first and Karma got in after me. when the ride started to move a screen turned on and started asking questions rolling us about whats going on too. I was sorta scared realizing how high we are going to be. I rested my head upon one Karma's shoulder. It was relaxing the, ride moved slowly in a circle showing us how technology has involved over the years .

The top. The top we reached the top and it was beautiful. The stars of the projector. Even karma was amazed by the stars. The car started moving down slowly again, I kissed karma upon the cheek, reaching my hand out to his and letting my fingers wrap around his hand and his finger wrapped around mine. I adjusted myself resting my head upon his shoulder. "I love you." I whispered still looking at the stars, "I love you too Nagisa" Karma rested his head upon mine. Sighing softly.

Has we were getting off we saw some people from our class so we waved at them smiling. Karma and I were still holding hands I didn't realize it.

We walked around looking at the scenery every where you stepped there was something new we are now in Australia well epcot tries to make it seem like it but if you look across you can see india. But this was still an amazing experience though. We get to see the fireworks or whatever it is called, tomorrow we go to a different park. I took millions of pictures of things that seemed interesting or just picture of karma and I.

"Hey karma can we get something to eat?" I asked admiring the lake, we were currently sitting at a bench looking out at the lake. "Sure , what should we get?" We looked around we were currently in france it was amazing, it felt so real and the history was great too. "Well I'll go look and you can watch the seat" I stood up kissing Karma's head he smiled chuckling lightly "Just dot go in another state" Karma joked I chuckled walking away.

I found a nice iceceam cart and decided to order from there, I decided to get us one those mickey mouse icecream dipped in chocolate. Before I walked away I saw sugino in line too. "Hey nagisa!" he waved smiling happily I smiled back and waved "Hey sugino! walked over to him. "Wheres your partner?" I asked looking around for Yukio. 'Oh she wanted to wait by the lake while I get us ice-cream" He smiled scratching his head. I smiled and started to walk off with the ice creams still in my left hand "Well I gotta get going and get this icecream to Karma before it melts hope you and Yukiko have fun today. Bye!" I felt a hand around my wrist pulling me back. "nagisa, why do you like karma? He's umm how should I put this..Crooked" Sugino asked looking into my eyes. "Well cause I do, I cant explain it but I love him" I responded but before I could say anything else I felt Sugino pull me in and rest his lips upon mine.

I tried pulling away for a few seconds till he stopped. "You deserve kinder person." Sign held my wrist tightly I looked at him with a surprise expression unable to say anything. I was speechless.I tried pulling away at this point. I wanted to get back to karma. I needed him. "Karma!" I wailed. "Let go sugino! now! Please!" I continued pulling away. "He doesn't deserve such a kind, sweet, loving, and caring boy like you Nagisa! I love you more than him!" He yelled back.

Thats when Karma came in pushing him away and grabbing me before I could fall the ice-cream I was holding slipped out of my hand slowly. Karma held me head close to his shoulder rubbing my head, "are you okay?" Karma asked holding me close. No one really cared to look. I was fine but still shooken up, I looked at Sugino who was starting to stand up. "Im sorry sugino but I love Karma" I grabbed Karma's hand starting to walk away from him. I picked up the ice-cream I accidentally dropped.

We sat at the bench handing the ice-cream to Karma. "are you okay?" Karma asked again he looked over at me wrapping his arm around my shoulder bringing me close to him. "yes Im fine. Thank you for saving me" I rested my head upon his shoulder opening the ice-cream wrapper. "eat your ice-cream before it melts Karma" I smiled chuckling lightly and taking a bite of mine. It was still cold.

I didnt want to focus on what happened, nor did Karma. I was fine. We continued walking around we didnt buy anything, we wanted to save the money since we are limited. We forgot about what happened, and just enjoyed ourselves.

Unbreakable love  (Karma x Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now