now there

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~Nagisa POV~

The plane finally landed. everyone walked down laughing and cheering. The cheerful squealing was annoying. I held Karma's hand carrying my bag. He was carrying his. I breathed in. The atmosphere was different. It was different then being cramped on a plane for two days.

Once we got off the platform I let go of my bag for a minute stretching my arms then letting out a sigh. "it feels great to be out of that plane" I chuckled. Karma nodded and looked around, I looked out the window of the place we were. Since we haven't really gotten much of a view of Florida only where we are. I really cant wait to see Florida outside of this window, I could wait to spend this field trip with Karma.

~Karma POV~

Damn. Florida looked great. Everything seemed different. This will most likely be a date Nagisa will never forget. Which I want. I want to make this time for Nagisa, to make the most perfect date. One he will never forget. Basically what Im saying is that I want this to be perfect for him.

"alright kids! Lets head out! theres a bus waiting for us!" the octopus walked by  everyone explaining to the class. Everyone squealed and ran out. I held Nagisa's hand dragging him along. Reminding me of our first date, when I dragged him to the cafe where we confessed our love. Our first kiss too.  Im going soft. aren't I?

Once we got to the bus we both got on and ran to the back. Nagisa and I threw ourselves on to the seats taking a deep breath, we were here. I looked over at Nagisa who seemed happier than me. I turned his chin to me placing my lips against mine, his soft skin and breaths against my skin, he kissed gently smiling between the kiss.

"You two keep the lovey stuff in the bedroom!" Rio screamed as she got on to the bus, I chuckled  and broke the kiss. "I would but he's such a tease!" I placed my lips upon his neck breathing softly letting my warm breaths hit his skin, I could see the fade of blush on Nagisa's cheeks. "AHAHH stop! can you not please?" Nagisa pushed me away leaning closer to the wall. "Now kids dont start trouble now. Ms. Vic is waiting for us at the hotel!" Koro sensi explained walking in. He was wearing his stupid disguise, You can tell its fake. But whatever floats his boat.

I couldn't wait to get to the hotel. The answer is easy. Well what your thinking and I just wanted to actually see where we are going to be staying for the week. A week to make this date perfect, and an extra day after the trip to make a huge surprise for Nagisa. Its going to be big. Better than I could give him. 

~Nagisa Pov~

why would Karma do that? is he telling me something? wait I'm an idiot. The feeling of his soft breaths made my spine quiver. I was made a little too happy so I put a book upon my lap. He cant tell. Right? Hopefully..

This trip is going to great I can feel it. No no no no no please get your mind out of the clouds. Nothing like that. Im super excited for this. fangirls stop! I know what you're thinking. Those are impure thoughts!

Karma held my hand again making sure I was comfortable. I was happy with him so I rested my head upon Karma's shoulder. Smiling softly, Karma wrapped his arm around me. He rested his arm upon my shoulder so he could pet my hair. His fingers following the strands of hair. I leaned back in my seat. Another long ride. I was curious on how long this ride will be.

"Hey Koro sensi how long is this bus drive!?" I asked yelling so he could hear above all the chatter

"Four or three hours" Koro sensi responded screaming back.

I sighed softly showing my exhaustion of sitting but I didnt care too much. I mean We're going to be walking for hours on end, but be too happy forgetting the pain in our legs.

The thought of Karma leaving me struck me again. I tried hiding my sadness so I lean over to Karma hiding my face. I love Karma. I don't know what I would do with out him. I clenched on to his shirt. I mumbled the words "Please don't leave". I could feel his hand touch my head, I blinked back my tears, I dont want to show my thoughts. Unless he could read my mind.

Unbreakable love  (Karma x Nagisa)Where stories live. Discover now