Chapter 7

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Artemis was confused. More confused then she was ever before. Did she love Dick? Like, truly love him? Artemis walked into the hospital.

"I'm here for Paula Crock," Artemis said to the nurse at the front desk.

"Ma'am, Paula Crock isn't here," the nurse said.

"What do you mean?"

"We sent her home. There's nothing we can do, except try to make her comfortable. She has about two months to live," the nurse said.

"O-okay, thank you," Artemis said and walked out numbly. Her mom was dying.

As she drove home she thought about how she was going to tell Dick. Why was she worrying about that, she wasn't sure. She also thought about how she was going to tell her mom that Artemis and Dick had kids.

Artemis opened the door to Dick's apartment and dropped her purse onto the ground. Dick looked up from the floor, where he was playing with the twins.

"Mis' what's wrong?" Dick asked getting up after he saw her pale face.

"My, my mom's dying. The hospital sent her home today, they said there was nothing they could do. She has two months to live," Artemis said.

"Oh, Artemis," Dick opened his arms to her. Ever so slowly she walked into his arms and cried. The twins took in the situation and started crying too.

"They cry whenever they see me cry," Artemis said and wiped her eyes. She picked Sophie up and held her close.

"I think we need to go over there right now," Dick said picking up Jai.

"What do you mean? My mom will freak if she sees her grandchildren," Artemis said.

"We need to tell her."

"Dick, we're twenty-three years old, not married, and we have two, 6-month olds. How are we going to tell her. Hey mom, I know that you're dying and everything, but me and Dick got together and got married in the future. Oh, and apparently we're parents too," Artemis said.

"Artemis, trust me," Dick said and kissed her forehead. It felt strange, and yet, oddly satisfying.

As they drove to her mother's house, Artemis thought about how she was going to tell her mom.

"Mis', stop fretting," Dick said.

"How do you know I'm fretting?"

"You bounce your leg when you're fretting," Dick said and pointed to Artemis's bouncing leg.

"Oh," Artemis said and stopped bouncing her leg.

"Ma," Artemis heard one of the twins cry her name from the back of the car.

"Dick, did you hear that?"

"Hear what?"

"Ma," the sound was stronger this time followed by a wail. Artemis turned around to find Jai kicking his legs up in the air and crying.

"Shh, Jai, it's okay," Artemis said as Dick stopped the car.

"We're here," Dick said and put his hand on Artemis's. "Are you ready?"

Artemis nodded and the two headed in each carrying a baby. She opened the door.

"Artemis, come on in," Artemis heard her mom's voice from in the front room. The two heroes walked in with the children.

"Hey mom," Artemis said. Paula turned her head to see Artemis, Dick, and the twins.

"Artemis?" Paula asked pointing to the twins.

"Mom, I can explain," Artemis said.

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