Book Cover Contest!

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I have decided to do a Book Cover Contest. :)

All  you guys have to do is:

1. Design the Cover the way you want it

2. Send me a link to it

And that's it! I'll decide the winner! And he/she will get their cover posted on my story.


1. No inappropriate Stuff. Meaning, no inappropriate words, pictures, or images, or else that person will be disqualified.

2. You can design covers for any of the books I've wrote EXCEPT:

"Dating the Quarter Back"

"Life With Matt"

"Young Justice Karaoke"

Besides that, you're free to design whatever covers for my books you want!

Just send me a link or something when you're finished, and I'll judge the entries.

To check out more contests, check out my new book "Contests"

Okay, that was it. Bye Peeps!

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