Chapter 10

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Wally raced into Paula's house. He saw a little boy with gray eyes staring up at his crying. But no Sophie.

"Paula?" Wally walked around to see Paula in the bathroom holding Sophie. Sophie was bleeding.

"Oh, Wally. You're back in town?" Paula asked as she held a wet rag to Sophie's mouth.

"Yes. But we'll talk about that later. What happened?" Wally asked.

"I-I don't know. Sophie started shaking and her gums are now bleeding. I think she's having a seizure."

Wally nodded and took Sophie out of Paula's arms. "I'm going to take her to the hospital. Dick and Artemis are on their way. Stay here with Jai." Paula nodded and Wally took off running as the little girl started crying. "Shhh, Sophie it's okay."

As Wally arrived at the hospital he saw Artemis and Dick were already there.

"Sophie!" Artemis rushed to Wally and took Sophie out of his arms.

"Why's she bleeding?" Dick asked.

"Paula thinks she's having a seizure. We have to get her inside," Wally said. The couple nodded and the three heroes took Sophie inside. The nurses looked quite alarmed as they call for the doctor immediately.

"I'm going to have to take Sophie now. You may go to the waiting room," One of the nurses said and held out her arms. Artemis cried as she let go of Sophie, Sophie's blood staining her hand.

"We'll update you," Another nurse said and they disappeared with Sophie leaving the three friends by themselves.

They walked into the waiting room. No one was there. Wally sat down as Dick paced back and forth and Artemis stood up crying.

"You guys need to sit down," Wally said and helped Artemis down into a chair. "Don't worry. I'm sure everything will be fine." Artemis looked at Wally and then Dick. All she wanted to do was take Sophie and go home.

Eight hours later.....

It had been eight hours and still no word on how Sophie was doing. Dick tried to ask many doctors as they rushed in and out of hospital rooms. No one would answer him. Finally there was a petite, blonde doctor who came out and smiled at the three.

"Artemis Crock and Dick Grayson?" The doctor said and the couple stood up.

"Yes?" Artemis said.

"Sophia Grayson is alright. She had a mild seizure but came out of it very nicely. We do want to keep her here over night just in case, but she should be able to go home tomorrow," The doctor said. Dick spun Artemis around and kissed her.

"Our daughters alright Dick, our daughters alright!" Artemis said.

"Would you like to see her?" The doctor asked. The three heroes nodded and followed the doctor into a room. Sophie was laying on the bed, with wires attached to her right arm, and a breathing tube on her nose. "She looks worse than she is. She was losing oxygen so we had to put a breathing tube on her."

Artemis nodded and went over to brush her daughters hair. "I love you Sophie," she said and kissed her daughters head softly.

"Come on Mis', let's go get a bite to eat," Dick said and went over to his daughter and girlfriend. Artemis nodded.

"I'll stay here until you guys get back," Wally said.

"You don't have to," Dick said.

"I want to get to know my niece. Even if she is from the future," Wally said. Artemis and Dick looked at each other, and then left. "So, you're Artemis and Dick's daughter huh? Wow. I never thought that Boy Wonder would be man enough to make kids with my ex-girlfriend."

Wally sat there until Artemis and Dick came back, telling Sophie stories about how her mom and him used to date.

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