Chapter 12

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Wally carefully helped Artemis to the sofa in Dick's apartment.

"Jaidyn, w-we have to find him. He'll be terrified," Artemis said hysterically.

"Shh, Mis', we will find Jai," Dick said and hugged her. Artemis cried into Dick's shoulder. Sophie began to cry for Artemis. M'gann rocked Sophie and looked sadly at Wally.

"We'll send Beta to search for SportsMaster," Wally said.

"We can't wait Wally. We can't! We have to find him, we have-" Artemis was cut off by Dick.

"Artemis listen to me! We won't stop looking, but it'll be no help to us if you are hysterical. Please, rest," Dick said.

"I can't. I have to find Jai!" Artemis said and ran out of the house.

"Artemis!" Dick called after her, but Artemis didn't stop.

"Guys, call Beta, Alpha, Gamma, I don't care. Send someone, anyone. I'm going to go get Artemis," Dick said and grabbed his jacket before heading out the door. M'gann looked at Wally.

"I'll stay with Sophie, you guys go," Barbara said. The others nodded and took off.

"Ma," Sophie said pointing to the door.

"Yep, Mama went out the door, and let's hope she comes back," Barbara said and picked Sophie up to give her a bath.

Artemis trudged down the street, crying.

"I'll find you Jai," she mumbled to herself and looked down another alleyway.

"Artemis!" Artemis turned to find Dick running after her.

"Leave me alone," She said to him and started walking again.

"Wait," Dick pulled Artemis towards him.

"Dick, we have to find Jai. We can't leave him out there. He's scared. I can feel it," Artemis said.

"We will find him. But you can't search if you're like this."

"I have no choice. Isn't that what M'gann, or Barbara, or Karen would do if they lost one of their children? What's different about this? I-" Artemis was cut off by Dick's lips on hers. She pulled away, shocked at what just happened.


"I know, I didn't expect that to happen either," Dick said.

"We will find him?"


"And he'll be okay?"


"You'll search for him?"

"Yes. But right now, you need to sleep."

"Okay. I'll try. I make no promises."

"I love you Mis'."

"I love you too. Take me home."

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