Chapter 15

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"We're you.... from the future," Future Artemis said and the younger heroes gasped. 

"Us.... From the future?" Dick asked as Artemis helped her up.

"Yes. We're here to get our children," Future Dick said.

"Your children?" Artemis asked.

"Yes, our children. Jaidyn and Sophia. We sent them here so that they would be safe from the future," Future Artemis said.

"Why? What happened in the future?" Dick asked.

"You don't want to know. Let's just say that we almost died," Future Dick said.

"Are you okay?" Artemis asked future Artemis and gestured to the arrow. Future Artemis pulled the arrow out.

"Protective armor. Didn't feel a thing," Future Artemis said and smiled.

Dick looked over to see Future Artemis, with a little more cleavage than his Artemis had.

"Um, Dick, my head's up here," Future Artemis said.

"Sorry, there just bigger than... Hers," Dick said gesturing to Artemis's.

"You can blame pregnancy for that," Future Dick said.

"Okay, enough talking about this, um, wonderful subject. You're going to take the twins away?" Artemis asked.

"We're not taking them away from you. They are our kids. We just want to take them back to the future, where they belong," Future Artemis said. Artemis nodded with tears in her eyes.

"We'll get them for you," Dick said and him and Artemis walked into the master bedroom where the twins were sleeping in the crib they had set up. Artemis cried as she picked Jaidyn up, hugging him tightly. It hurt Dick so much to see Artemis sad, but the twins didn't belong here. He hugged Sophie, and then the couple traded babies.

"I love you Sophie," Artemis whispered into Sophie's ear.

"Ma," Sophie said and Artemis smiled.

"Let's go see your Mama," the couple walked out and gave the twins back to the future Artemis and Dick.

"Thank you," Future Dick said.

"Jaidyn! Sophie!" Future Artemis grabbed her children and they squealed.

"Ma! Dada!" the both said and hugged their mother and father. Artemis silently cried as Dick hugged her tight. Future Dick's watch beeped and he looked at it.

"We've got to go," Future Dick said and his wife nodded.

"Thank you," Future Artemis said and hugged both Artemis and Dick.

"No problem. Thank you for letting us share these past few weeks with them," Artemis said. The future couple nodded and walked out. Dick smiled at Artemis as she waved to the twins for the last time.

"You did good Mis'," Dick said.

"Really? Cause I feel like the worst person in the world," Artemis said. Then future Dick walked in again.

"Did you forget something," Dick asked and Artemis turned around.

"No, but you're going to," Future Dick said.

"What do you mean?" Artemis asked.

"I'm sorry about this, but it's how it has to be," Future Dick said. He pulled out some purple spray and sprayed it into Artemis and Dick's face. The couple fell to the ground, out cold. Future Dick pressed a button on his watch and looked at the two heroes. "You'll forgive us soon."

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