Chapter 13

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Dick jumped onto another rooftop... Chasing SportsMaster.

"Give me back my son!" Dick yelled.

"Your son?" SportsMaster said and turned around, holding Jaidyn over the busy street of Happy Harbor.

"Don't do it!" Dick said.

"And how are you going to stop me? You take one more step and your son is toast," SportsMaster said.

"Da!" Jai cried.

"Let him go," Dick said.

"Gladly," SportsMaster said and dropped Jai off the roof. "Wrong choice of words."

"Jaidyn!" Dick ran to the edge to see Jai was being safely held in the arms of Miss Martian. "Phew."

"This isn't the last time you see me," SportsMaster said and jumped off the roof.

"No!" Dick looked to see SportsMaster riding a motorcycle, driving away. M'gann flew up to the top of the roof.

"Let him go? Seriously Dick?" M'gann said.

"Yeah... My bad," Dick said and Jai held his arms out for his daddy. "Hey Jaidyn."

"Dada," Jai said.

"Let's go home," Dick said.

Artemis rushed to the door to see Dick holding Jaidyn.


"Ma!" Jaidyn held his arms out for his mommy and Artemis gladly took him, giving him a tight hug.

"Dick," Artemis looked up to her boyfriend.

"He got away," Dick said looking at the ground.

"At least Jaidyn's safe," Artemis said kissing her blonde haired son.

"I've got to get back. Aqualad will want to track SportsMaster down so that this doesn't happen again," M'gann said and Barbara hugged Artemis tightly.

"Call if you need anything," Barbara whispered into Artemis's ear before leaving with M'gann.

Artemis and Dick headed inside. Sophie held onto the sofa bouncing up and down when she saw her brother. She walked along the sofa to Dick, who picked her up.

"You trying to walk baby girl?" Dick said. Sophie laughed and clapped her hands.

"I'll make dinner," Artemis said.

"And then a movie?"

"No, and then bed."

"That's what you think," Dick said and smirked.

"Don't get any crazy ideas Grayson. I don't want any twins from the present and from the future," Artemis said.

"You never know. You might..." Dick said. Artemis rolled her eyes and went to make dinner. All was right in the world. Or so they thought.

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