Chapter 9

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Artemis moaned as Dick kissed her neck. It had been such a long time since she did this with anyone. Dick moved up to Artemis's mouth and kissed her. She kissed him back with equal passion.

They barely heard the door open and see Wally step inside.

"Well, this is going to take some getting used to," Wally said and Dick quickly jumped off of Artemis leaving her surprised and frowning.

"Wally? What are you doing here?" Dick asked fixing his wrinkled shirt.

"Well, I was just going to tell you I'm back in town, and I'm probably going to stay here this time," Wally said still shocked from seeing his best friend and ex-girlfriend make out.

"Oh. Well.... Welcome back?" Artemis said.

"So.... Are you two like a thing now?" Wally asked looking from Dick to Artemis and back to Dick.

"Yes. Well, sort of. For our kids," Dick said looking at Artemis as she nodded.

"Kids? You mean you had kids with this joker Artemis?" Wally asked and chuckled.

"Technically they're from the future sooooo....." Artemis's voice trailed off as her phone rang. She answer it without hesitating. "Hello?"

"Artemis, something's wrong with Sophia," Paula said on the other side of the phone. Artemis ended the conversation and looked at Dick with fear in her eyes.

"Artemis?" Wally asked.

"Mis'?" Dick also wondered why his girlfriends eyes were full of tears and looked like she had seen a ghost.

"Dick..... Something's wrong with Sophie," Artemis said and fell into his chest. Dick looked startled and hugged Artemis tightly.

"We've got to go," Dick said and went to grab his car keys. "Call Bruce and Barbara. Tell them what happened and tell them to meet us at the hospital. Wally, I'm sorry we have to cut this happy reunion short, but we've got to go."

Wally looked curious and troubled. "Who's Sophie?"

Artemis and Dick got into the car. "Kid, can you race ahead and go to Paula's house to get Sophie and get her to the hospital?" Dick asked.

"Sure. Just one question. WHO THE HAY IS SOPHIE?!"

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