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I can't believe how far I've come in life in only three years. When I lost my fiancé Peter in a fire my world came crashing down on top of me. I was so overwhelmed that I fled Boston and moved to Chicago.

When I arrived in Chicago I became a part of Squad 3 in firehouse 51 but little did I know that walking into that firehouse for my first day of work would forever change my life.

In no time at all I had many new friends, but my best friend was Kelly Severide, my lieutenant on rescue squad. We were almost inseparable and then we responded to a car accident where I became trapped under a car. When I woke up Kelly was there for me, and we started dating soon after that.

We were madly in love and then we responded to a call of a teen trying to attempt suicide. After I talked this boy down from suicide I learned that I would have to care for him for an undisclosed amount of time. I soon fell in love with this boy named Jake and he felt more like a son to me than a teen I was looking after.

My life could not have been more perfect but then Kelly took down a suicide bomber in a hospital after taking patients there. I was terrified that I would lose the wonderful man I had fallen so deeply in love with. Thankfully Kelly fought his way through the whole ordeal and lived to tell the tale. In the midst of all of that, Jake was adopted by a loving (or so we thought) couple.

Two months later I had to talk Jake down from another suicide attempt. After that Kelly and I adopted Jake and never looked back. After Jake had finally gotten all settled in with us there was an explosion at his school and he was trapped with his best friend. Jake survived but unfortunately his friend died later at the hospital. Kelly and I made sure that Jake felt supported and loved through it all as he had already been through hell and back several times and wasn't even an adult yet.

By then an entire year had gone by and Kelly and I had been together through all of it. We had supported each other through the hard times, celebrated together during the good times, and after that year I knew that I wanted to be with Kelly for the rest of my life.

We went to dinner to celebrate this accomplishment and I had left him alone after a slight disagreement. Despite that, Kelly went and selected an engagement ring for me that very night. On top of that, he even managed to keep it a secret for several weeks.

A few weeks after our anniversary we responded to a fire where I was tasked with going in and rescuing a man. While inside, the desk I had to stand on collapsed and my oxygen mask popped off. The next thing I remembered after that was waking up in the hospital, which I was told, was a few weeks after the accident. The doctors told me that they were certain I would die and it was a miracle I was alive and well.

Mere minutes later Kelly came bursting into my room with tears pouring out of his eyes. Next thing I knew, Kelly had popped the question and of course I had said yes.

Over the next nine months we prepared for the wedding and on July 20th we were wed outside of the firehouse where we had first met. That was all one chapter of my life, and now it's time to turn the page in my life and start the next one.


AHHH! ENJOY!! -Becca

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