Chapter 23

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-They're in desperate need of groceries and Quinn wants to get out of the house but she doesn't want to take Maia with her as she knows it'll be a longer trip

-Kelly convinces Quinn to go and he'll stay behind to take care of Maia

-Quinn gets home to Maia screaming her head off and Kelly super freaked out

-He explains that he's been trying to calm her for the last 20 minutes and nothing has worked

-Quinn puts Maia in her rocking swing and starts it and before no time Maia has calmed down and is fast asleep

-Kelly sits on the couch and buries his head in his hands, asks Quinn how she's so good with Maia already

-Quinn puts a comforting arm around Kelly and reminds him that she's spent the most time with her and that'll have it figured out before he knows it

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