Chapter 37

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-The next day when Quinn arrives home she sees that Jake and Kylie have come over and they're playing with Maia in the living room

-They all decide to go and visit Kelly together

-While they're visiting him his monitors begin to beep and nurses begin rushing in

-Quinn, Maia, Jake, and Kylie are forced out of the room and told to go to the waiting area as Dr Choi goes running in

-A few minutes later Choi comes to the waiting room and tells Quinn that they were able to stabilize Kelly but his condition has worsened and there isn't anything more they can do for him

-Quinn collapses into Jake's arm and he holds her as tight as he can even though he feels so broken by the news too

-Quinn agrees that Kelly can be taken off life support in two days, after her next shift

-They all go home after spending a few more hours with Kelly

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