Chapter 15

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I take my break in my contractions to get up out of bed and slowly make my way downstairs. I've been laboring since after dinner and it's now nearing midnight. My contractions have started coming closer together so it's finally time to go to the hospital. Unfortunately Kelly is on shift since it's only January 24th and my due date wasn't for another week. He wanted to stay home but I ended up convincing him to go to work. I guess I really should've listened to him.

I quietly try to make my way down into the basement as fast as I can but in my pained and fatigued state I forgot that the two don't mix, especially when you're nine months pregnant. I hear Jake stir and then groggily, he says, "Quinn, is that you?"

I sigh and say, "Yea, it is. I'm sorry to wake you up like this but I'm having contractions and can't get myself to the hospital."

I hear Jake get out of bed and then he says, "Don't even apologize for this. I'll get dressed and meet you upstairs. Go take a seat on the couch, alright?"

I agree and go back up to the main floor. Just as I take a seat another contraction comes so I brace myself and breathe through it. Just as it's ending, Jake comes up. He grabs the hospital bag that I've had packed for weeks and then helps me up. We then slowly make our way out to his car. Once we're on our way to Med Jake puts his hand on the console and then says, "Please take my hand. That way if you're in pain you have something you can squeeze."

I put my hand in his and say, "Thank you Jake. I don't know what Kelly and I ever did to deserve you but I'm glad we did it."

He smiles and then I pull out my phone and dial Kelly's number. After a few rings he picks up and says, "Let me guess, you've gone into labour."

I chuckle softly and say, "Bingo. Jake and I are already on our way to Med. We'll be there in 15 minutes."

Kelly sighs and says, "Alright. I'll let Chief know. I'll be waiting for you there."

We hang up and I shift my position to try and be as comfortable as possible. After another painful contraction Jake and I have arrived at Med to see Kelly already waiting outside for us with a wheelchair for me. I smile weakly at him as I take a seat in it and he grabs my bag from Jake. I then say goodbye to Jake as he has to go home and get as much rest as possible before school tomorrow. Kelly then wheels me into the hospital and in no time at all we're checked in and I'm settled into my room. Now all we can do is wait.

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