Chapter 38

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-Quinn goes into work the next day and everyone can tell Kelly isn't doing well as Quinn looks like she hardly slept

-An hour into their shift Quinn gets a call from Med

-Dawson stays with her in the bunks while Quinn answers her phone

-After Quinn hangs up she's barely able to choke out that Kelly woke up and is doing well

-Quinn and Dawson rush to the common room to give everyone the news

-They're all relieved and Boden lets Quinn go to the hospital to see him

-Quinn rushes to Med and when she arrives at Kelly's room they both burst into tears the moment they see each other

-Kelly quickly pulls Quinn onto the bed with him and into his chest; he refuses to let her go for the longest time

-Choi comes into the room after an hour and says that since she wanted to wait to take him off life support they switched his meds last night in a last ditch effort to revive Kelly and it worked

-Choi tells them that they want to keep Kelly for a few more days to monitor him but after that he's free to go home

-Quinn calls Jake and Kylie to tell them the news, they bring Maia with them to Med to see Kelly

-Kelly begins crying again when he sees Maia's face light up and he mentions how relieved he is to be holding his baby girl again

-Jake and Kylie both relieved that Kelly pulled through

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