Chapter 6

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Kelly looks at me worriedly as I enter our bedroom. I take a seat on the edge of the bed and say, "It was just morning sickness. I'm alright."

He nods and pulls me down onto the bed with him. I smile and curl into his chest. My Mom had really bad morning sickness with me and my two brothers and I was hoping that I'd catch a lucky break but it's looking like that won't be the case.

I shake those thoughts from my head and then look up at Kelly and say, "So I've had a lot of time to think lately since I haven't been working as much."

Kelly laughs and says, "Quinn? Thinking? This can't be good."

I lightly shove Kelly's chest, making him laugh again. I shake my head and then continue. "I think we should look at houses. The baby would have to sleep in our room if we stayed here and I don't think that's realistic. So we have six and a half months to find something."

Kelly nods and says, "I agree. We should probably start looking sooner rather than later because that'll be better for everyone, especially you."

I nod in agreement and say, "I can start looking and find some houses for a good price that will work. Then we can go through them together and narrow it down to a couple of house to go and look at before making a final decision and putting in an offer."

He nods and says, "I like the sound of that. Thanks for looking after it."

I nod and we share in a soft kiss. I stay and cuddle with Kelly for a few more minutes before getting up and finding something to eat. I then grab my laptop, sit down at the dining room table, and begin looking at houses for Kelly, Jake, and I.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long but thanks for 1 840 reads!

How many of you would read a Chicago Justice fanfic if I wrote one? I'm trying to get an idea of how many people would be interested. Unfortunately, due to a lack of personal information on the show, I'm struggling with ideas so hopefully I'll have something more concreate soon! -Becca

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