Chapter 10

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---Kelly's POV---

Quinn and I walk out of the doctor's office and once we're on our way home she says, "I can't believe you didn't want to know the gender! I thought you'd want to know if you're having a son or daughter in three months. And now I have to start my nursery plans from scratch and pick something gender neutral. Kelly..."

I grab Quinn's hand and give it a light squeeze. She sighs so I say, "We'll figure out something together, okay?"

She nods and then we arrive at the house. We both go inside and Quinn immediately goes upstairs. I sigh and go to the kitchen to clean up a bit in there. I didn't mean to upset Quinn by telling her I didn't want to know the gender, but I didn't know what else to do. Little does she know that I remember her saying that a gender reveal party would be cute towards the start of her pregnancy. I asked Jake and Dawson to help me out with one because I want to be surprised as well but so far my plan has only upset Quinn.

I sigh and make my way upstairs to our bedroom. I softly open the door and see Quinn napping on the bed. I smile, knowing that she hasn't been sleeping the greatest because of the baby.

After watching my amazing wife sleeping peacefully for a few minutes I quietly close the door and go downstairs to the basement. When I arrive I take a seat beside Jake on the couch and then I say, "How's the party planning going?"

He smiles and says, "It's good. Dawson and I have finished our planning and Hermann agreed to let us use Molly's for the evening. We've told everyone the date and now all we need is the gender."

I smile and hand Jake a folded piece of paper. As I make my way upstairs I say, "I had the doctor write the gender on there so she didn't have to tell me. I want to be just as surprised as Quinn."

Jake agrees to that and then I go to the kitchen and begin cooking supper for the three of us.

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