Chapter 7

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I smile as Kelly removes the keys to our new house from his pocket and unlocks the front door. He swings it open and then scoops me up and carries me across the threshold of the door. He sets me down gently and then says, "Welcome home darling."

I smile and then turn to embrace Jake as he walks through the door. He smiles at Kelly and I and then says, "This house is perfect. Thank you guys."

We share in a family hug and then Kelly and I give Jake a tour around our new house. Finally we decide to descend the steps into the basement. When we arrive downstairs I say, "Kelly and I talked once we knew we'd be getting this house and decided that the basement is all yours. Instead of calling in someone to essentially build you a room, you can have the whole basement to yourself. We'll leave the TV up and you can put your bed wherever you'd like. The only space down here that wouldn't be only yours would be the storage room."

Jake smiles widely and says, "You aren't serious, are you?"

Kelly chuckles and says, "Of course we are. We want you to have a space that is entirely your own. You've been very flexible these last few years at the apartment and we think it's time you have more space to yourself."

Jake smiles widely and then we all go upstairs. When he sees the time Jake dismisses himself and leaves as he has a date with Kylie. Once he's left Kelly and I go upstairs to what will soon be the baby's nursery. He places his large hand on my small, almost invisible baby bump and then says, "I can't believe we're going to be parents in six months."

I smile and say, "I can't either. It'll be a huge change but I'm so ready for this new journey we're embarking on."

Kelly nods in agreement and then we share in a passionate kiss. We stay at our new house for a little while longer before going back to the apartment to pack up more of our things.


Hey guys! So for the time being I've decided doing both general fiction and my fanfics is going to be too much so I'll be focusing on finishing my fanfics ASAP. Thanks for understanding! -Becca

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