Chapter 5

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I smile at Jake as he enters the kitchen. He smiles back and then says, "What're you doing up so early?"

I push the hash browns back and forth in the pan and reply, "I wanted to make us all breakfast so we could eat as a family. Could you knock on the bedroom door to let Kelly know it's ready? He should be awake."

Jake nods and does as I've asked. When he returns he helps me get everything onto the dining room table. Kelly soon walks in and we all take a seat in our usual spots. We all dish the food onto our plates and then begin to eat in silence. While we do Kelly and I continually glance at each other and then at Jake. After a few minutes of this Jake sighs and says, "Alright, enough of this. Whatever you guys need to tell me, spit it out."

Kelly and I sigh and then I say, "You're going to have a little brother or sister come January."

Jake's jaw drops and Kelly and I join hands under the table. Soon a huge smile spreads across his face and he says, "That's amazing! How long have you guys known?"

Kelly smiles and says, "We've known for two weeks now. We put off telling you because we were afraid you'd see it as us casting you aside. We want you to know that you won't be loved or appreciated any less just because we'll have a baby of our own as well."

Jake smiles at us and says, "You guys shouldn't have even worried about that. After all the love that I've been given from the two of you I know that you're not trying to replace me by having your own baby together, you're just expanding our family. I can't wait to have a sibling."

I smile and then stand to envelope Jake in my arms. When we pull apart he shares a hug with Kelly and then I say, "I don't know how we ended up with someone as amazing as you Jake but I'm glad that you're our son."

He smiles and then we finish our family breakfast.


Hey guys! Thanks for 1 250 reads! -Becca

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