Chapter 14

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I smile at Kelly in thanks as he sets down the cup of tea in front of me. He then sits in the chair that's beside me and across from Jake. Our baby girl is due within the next couple of weeks so tonight we're sitting down to pick her name. All three of us pull out our sheets of paper and I say, "Alright, let's start with first names. My top two were Amberlee and Liz."

Kelly nods and says, "Mine were Maia and Amy."

"And mine were Rowan and Reinna." Jake includes.

I write them all down and then I say, "Alright, right away my least favourite is Reinna."

The boys agree so that one is eliminated. After eliminating another two our top three names are Liz, Maia, and Rowan. After much deliberation we eliminate Liz which leaves us Maia and Rowan. First I turn to Jake and say, "So which is your pick?"

Jake shrugs and replies, "I'm biased towards Rowan because I picked it."

I nod and Kelly says, "And I'm biased towards Maia. So Quinn, the choice rests in your hands."

After thinking back and forth for a couple of minutes I smile and say, "Maia is the winner."

Jake and Kelly both smile, approving of my choice. After I've had a sip of my tea Kelly says, "Now all we need is a middle name. Suggestions?"

I nod and say, "Okay, first of all Jake, did Kelly ever tell you about his best friend Leslie Shay?"

Jake nods and says, "Yea, she was killed in an explosion right?"

Kelly nods so I say, "I never got a chance to meet her because I came to Chicago a few months after the explosion but Kelly told me that they were extremely close. Regardless, I would like to pay tribute to Shay by having our daughter's middle name be Shay, as long as it's okay with you Kelly."

I look over at him and see tears welling up in his eyes. He then looks over at me and says, "Quinn, it's perfect. Thank you."

I nod and then Jake goes downstairs while Kelly and I go to the living room to watch TV.

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