Author's Note

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Once again, hello fellow Potter fans!

Thanks so much for reading my book (oh my God there are over a hundred chapters, gah) and for voting and commenting and all that jazz. This was a lot of fun to write, and also to come up with ideas (believe it or not, death scenes are hilarious) so I'm very happy so many people have read it! I really expected maybe 10 views...

And again, please don't try these on anyone you know (or don't know, no loopholes!!) because then I would be partly responsible and would feel very awful. Very very awful. (Unless said person is Umbridge and you're confident in your method. Then I approve.)

So... thanks for reading and commenting and voting, and (maybe possibly) see you (some of you people) soon (digitally or in liiiiiife). Oh, who am I kidding, no-one reads the author's notes. XD


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