New Secrets and New Magic

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Yay 20 views!! Thank you!! Sorry I only did 2 parts today. I think the parts should be longer so I'm going to make them about 700 words. 
Gray's P.O.V.
As we climbed up Mount Hakobe , everyone started shivering, I didn't because I'm immune to the cold because of my Ice Make Magic. Kirito gave Avalon his jacket and she smiled up at him. Dang it! That would've been such a good move!
Avalon's P.O.V.
Erza pulled me back for a second to ask me something. "Avalon? What do you think of Gray and Kirito?" I said in reply "I think they're both really good guys and they're both great friends." Erza said "Well, I think you're in a love triangle" I started blushing furiously "You can kinda see why" she explained as she pointed to Kirito and Gray glaring at each other. Erza said "1. Whenever you're with Kirito Gray is glaring at him and vice versa 2. Kirito and Gray always stare at you 3. I've know Gray for quite awhile and he never acts like this." My face turned as red as her hair. I interrupted "Oh, we're here!!" The group arrived at a huge cavern. Natsu spoke up and said "We have to leave you two so you can each unlock you magic abilities. The boss will chose which magic is fits best with your skill and you can come back to learn more magic ,but the boss will get harder and harder each time you come". Natsu handed me a torch with some fire for light. I saw Gray suddenly develop are dark aura around him out of the corner of my eye and Kirito smirking. I had a light pink tint on my cheeks as Kirito asked "Avalon, you ready to go?" "Yup!" I said in reply, and we started off into the cave.
Kirito's P.O.V.
Yes!! That move got Gray so mad!! Anyways, Avalon and I arrived at the end of the ice cavern. It had a two boss doors (I know because I was a beta tester). The two doors opened slowly as Avalon and I went through separate doors and wished each other Good Luck.

A.N.- I will be switching between their boss battles

Avalon's P.O.V.
The doors closed briefly behind me and torches from the sides of the room started flashing with flames. A strange figure appeared with the title The Determiner. It had 2 health bars ,but it was made to be easy so it could give you your magic and skills. I yelled a battle cry and charged foward against the beast.

Kirito's P.O.V.
The whole boss battle sequence began, just like in the beta test, except I didn't see this future in the test. A rather ugly beast rose from the ground. It was labeled as The Determiner and it had 2 health bars. I grabbed my Level 1 sword and charged with a battle cry.

   Avalon's P.O.V.
I slashed at it's legs with a technique I learned from the beta test (Yes I was a beta tester), that brought down more than half of it's health as it shrieked in agony. I finished it off with a X slash on its chest as it's health went down to z to, it disappeared into blue shards.

Kirito's P.O.V.
The techniques I learned from the beta test took this boss down with just a couple hits. I repeatedly slashed my sword across its chest and finished it off with a beheading as I swiftly, landed on the floor, sheathing my sword, with shards flying everywhere behind me.
Avalon P.O.V.
Once all the shards faded away, a screen popped up in front of me and said "CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE DEFEATED THE DETERMINER AND UNLOCKED [1st generation Night Dragon Slayer Magic]. I clicked the green circle to accept ,but another screen popped up and read "OBJECT OBTAINED [Exceed]. I didn't know what it was ,but I accepted it and walked out the doors to meet Kirito.
Kirito's P.O.V.
Immediately, after I landed a screen popped up and Congratulated me and gave my [1st generation Void Dragon Slayer Magic] along with something called an [Exceed]. I smiled and walked out the doors.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Fairy Tail, Sword Art Online, any videos, or any images. I only own my OCs. Copyright not intended.

Yasssss!!! Kirito has magic now and he has an exceed too!!!!!!

Fighting for fun and fighting for who you love are two very different concepts.   -Avalon Miyazaki

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