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She was here again. In the airport. The holidays had ended and she couldn't wait to return to the Studio again. Just the thought of singing and dancing and writing new songs made her heart leap. She wondered what new possibilities they could uncover this year. Would it be better than last year? Of course it would. Last year, she found her passion and discovered her future but this year she was going to build on her dreams and work towards many new ones. She wondered what it would be like to step on a stage again. The show gave her so many emotions. She hoped that with the help of Francesca and Camila, she would sing her way through, not just the school year, but with every high and low that came with it. Their friendship was forever. She couldn't wait to see them again!

Wait. Francesca. Where was she? Oh no! She'd forgotten that she had to meet her! She ran frantically through the airport, politely asking people if they would let her pass. Thankfully they did and it wasn't long until she saw a pink hairband among the dull airport crowd.

"Francesca!" She called. With all the people, she probably hadn't seen her.

Francesca turned to see her best friend, "Violetta! Oh, I'm so happy to see you!" She smiled and wrapped her arms around her.

Violetta returned her gleeful grin, "Me too, Fran!" The hug broke and she looked at Francesca curiously. "Do you know what you're going to wear the party tonight?"

Her expression went blank suddenly. "Party?"

She laughed. "Yes, Fran, the party at U-Mix!"

"When was it? Tomorrow night?" Fran asked, panicked.

"Tonight." Violetta said. "Don't worry, Fran. You'll have something to wear!" She smiled reassuringly at her best friend.

"I hope so!" Francesca exclaimed, linking arms with Vilu as they went to find German.

Little did they know, their new adventure had already started...

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