Twenty Six - There She Goes (Part 1)

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They hadn't had much time to plan the wedding but they had done it. German's tux had been fitted thanks to his private tailor, and Esmeralda had managed to find a dress and have all the fittings done. Maybe this was meant to be. They'd got all of the invitations out and everyone had accepted, a rarity, and they had found the perfect bouquet. Also, for Esmeralda, the advantage of having a stepdaughter with inept musical talent was that she could sing at her wedding. Another chance for mother-daughter bonding. They had talked about the arrangements just over a week ago and had rehearsed them in the Studio a few days ago. The rehearsal dinner went well and as far as they knew there were no technical difficulties. Violetta was singing a duet with Diego, a new guy from the Studio. Leon was jealous. She could tell. He was sat in his seat and didn't stop staring at her the whole time. When the dinner was over, she thanked everyone and told them to be there at the same time tomorrow, that was when she would get married.

She had talked to Matias, Jade's lovely brother, and he had told her that because she had done such a great job that she could pay for everything by bank transfer. This was good because not only could she get the money she deserved, but she now carry out the final phase of her plan: leave German on his knees. She got out the little sheet of paper with a pen, got her bag, and went to the bank.

Ramallo and Olga were checking the decorations. So far everything was good. The flowers were in the right places, the ribbons were tied tightly so they didn't fall off and the chairs were all neatly in rows. Ramallo finished his little checklist and went inside to get his other checklist. He would check that all the decorations inside were of a good condition and then he would check to see if everyone was arriving on time. It was exhausting to do his job sometimes, but it was worth it. Especially to see his friends happy.

He made sure that the champagne was chilling in the fridge and that all of the food and parcels were arriving promptly. After he had done all that, he decided that he would change his suit. He was going to a wedding after all! Olga came down the stairs and they each clamoured on how the other looked. Angie smiled at them. They were going to be such a cute couple one day. She put her phone in her purse and carried on her search for Violetta. Angie knew that she was going to sing with Diego, but she was supposed to be with her first. Violetta was seventeen now, but she was entitled to worry. She was her auntie. 

Once she had found Violetta and sat in her seat, she started to relax. It was going to be fine. She was attending the wedding of the man she was in love with. It wasn't a big deal. 

Esmeralda had started putting on her dress. Today she would get married and finally be rich. How glorified she felt to know that she would be accomplishing two of her life's dreams in one day. She was going to be the one. How great it was to be the 'it' girl. She'd been zipped up and handed her flowers. Like a goddess she walked down the stairs. Click, clack, click, clack. She was walking ever closer towards her destiny. She opened her eyes. The wedding was set. Now to walk down the aisle.

Putting one foot in front of the other she started to walk. People turned because they realised that the bride was now here. They were clamouring to get a look at her. She felt so glamorous ad sought after. Too bad she was going to be taken. 

She made her way down the aisle and took German's hand. He smiled at her. She was going to be his second wife. They both sat and the minister talked about how they were going to be married and how everyone is and should be happy yada yada yada...

Eventually the minister asked the question which no one ever answered, "Does anyone have any reason why these two people should not be lawfully married?" He paused. Of course no one was going to deny these two their marriage! He'd better wait just to be sure, "Speak now or forever hold your -"

"I do!" Proclaimed Jade. Who just said 'I do', very ironically. "I mean no!" She quickly adjusted what she said, "I demand you call off this wedding! This woman's an impostor, German, you can't marry her!" The whole congregation were looking at each other for what to do next.

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