Twelve - Espionage

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He tiptoed down the path and then, unable to contain his weird suspicious excitement, ran to his car. He checked his watch. Still wouldn't be late. Typical him.

German smiled but it instantly turned to a frown. Angie wouldn't be happy with him if she found out he was doing this. She would be furious. How about Esmeralda? Would all of this make a good impression on her?

She knows nothing about this family and the relationships we all have.

But that's no reason to go behind everyone's backs. Including your own daughter's.

He sighed. His guilty conscience was right. He should give in. He had to give in.... but -

A high pitched melody filled his car. It sounded like a xylophone helplessly being plonked so something could be sold for people to willingly buy. Much like he was dragging Jade into a relationship that he didn't really believe in.

For her.

All of the students were anxiously awaiting the arrival of their new teacher. Geremias seemed really fun!

Violetta was convinced that he would be a teacher. Fran was nervous to meet him and Camila was.... well, being Camila.

Pablo has told her to calm down. She had gone on one of her frenzied fits about half an hour ago. It took three pep talks from her boyfriend Broadway. Violetta and Francesca teased her about him. Every time she walked into a room they would call, 'Boyfriend!' and watch her blush, mortified.

Breaths were held as the new teacher walked in.

"Every body, this is Geremias, your new teacher -"

Gregorio cut Pablo off before he could even finish, "AND accompanist." Which led Pablo to angrily scowl at him.

The kids tried not to a laugh as Geremias  gawked at his new coworkers.

Pablo told the students to go back to their classes because their new colleague was going to meet the rest of the staff immediately. They chuckled and slowly dispersed.

Just then, German saw Violetta. She was beautiful. Still like her mother. Always like her mother. Her diary was clutched to her chest as she happily talked to her friends. German's heart squeezed.

"If you'll come this way."

After discussing the guidelines of the job and being given all of the timetables and many sheets with different students' names on them, he got up out of his seat along with his staff.

"Geremias, Antonio." They shook hands and nodded at each other like men do.

"Geremias, Gregorio." All German wanted to ask Pablo was to stop saying his name before every greeting because he wasn't in fact Geremias and the formality was annoying him, but he swallowed his pride and let him be introduced to the dance instructor.

"Finally.." He gestured to the singing teacher, "Geremias, meet Angie." He smiled warmly at her and she at him. She then turned and smiled at him too.

"Geremias." She nodded. For some reason it seemed like she wanted to giggle.

His eyes shifted from her to Pablo. He was looking at her adoringly. As he always did. No wonder he fell in love with her. Must have been ecstatic when she left the house...

Keep it together. She loves you. Well, you hope she loves you.

Even though this whole disguise was a ply to keep an eye on Violetta, he had to admit to himself in his cold heart, that part of it was because of Angie.

He wanted her back.  

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