Three - Back to Studio 21

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"So his name's Diego?" Violetta quizzed curiously.

"Yes, and he's a friend of Ludmila."

The conversation was paused because the teachers wanted everyone to meet them in the hall. It was a new year and word was going around and there was some new opportunity that everyone was going to love.

"We'll talk about it later." Violetta nodded as they headed into the main hall.

As soon as Violetta and Francesca entered the room, everyone lit up. The room was buzzing with shouts of happiness and excitement because they had missed their friends so much over the holidays. They were greeted with hugs and everyone wanted to know what she had gotten up to.

Angie was thumbing through papers for her new classes when she got a phone call. The phone rang but she didn't answer it. Voice mail. She carried on reading and underlining certain parts of the documents for the students to read. Ring! 'The students must' blah blah blah.... 'The authorisation of'.... Blah blah.... Underline, underline. Done. However she hadn't finished. She'd only finished annotating the papers for her first class. She still had about three to go. Today just felt like one of those days where the work seemed never ending. She was happy to go to the hall for the announcement. It would be a break in her day.

She put the papers which she had finished writing on in a pile on the table in front of her. She attached the rest to a clipboard and went to head to the meeting.

Beep beep! Beep beep! Beeeeeeep! 'Hello.'

"Hi, Angie -"

'This is the voice mail of Angie Cararra.'

Oh, for goodneess sake!! He had been trying to reach her for an hour now. He had called her fourty two times and not once had she picked up. Why wasn't she answering? It was becoming exhausting trying to maintain some sort of coherence with Angie. Women are so difficult!

Quickly, German took a sip of his coffee. If she wasn't going to answer him, then he would have to go on and see her. He scribbled a message on a sticky note for Ramallo, buttoned up his suit and went on his way.

Violetta's voice filled the teacher's lounge. Her voice loudly showed that Angie had an incoming telephone call. An incoming telephone call from German. Her brother in law. The man she was in love with and the man he hated. He had to deal with the fact that they were going to be together some day though, because he kissed her, but German got in the way... What would have happened if he hadn't interrupted them that day? Would there be a chance for him and Angie? No, there never would be. She would never be interested in the relationship. Pablo turned his back to the table. The phone still rang.

Screw it.

"German?" Pablo answered Angie's call.

"Yes, I - Pablo? I thought I was calling Angie." He said, dumbfounded.

Pablo ran his hand through his hair nervously. "Yes, yes you are but I answered it for her!" He laughed awkwardly.

"Does she know that you've answered this for her? Is she there?" German questioned him.

"No..." Pablo shook his head.

"Ah... Alright then. Just tell her I'm on my way."

'On his way?' Where would he going? "Why -"

"Just do it." German replied bluntly.

Before he could say anything else, German had already ended the call. That sneaky, one upping, Angie stealing man! He sighed exasperatedly. Okay then, better tell Angie!

He saw her walking into the main hall. He called her name and waited for her to respond. She did. A smile lit up her face. Oh, why did he have to bring up German? Should he? Shouldn't he? His mind quickly battled two options before escorting Angie hurriedly into the room. So he wasn't going to the right thing...

A shiny black limo pulled up on the street close to the Studio. German quickly shut the door before pacing down the fairly narrow path. If she wasn't going to call him back like he wanted her to, then he would have to just collect her himself. She was needed at this minute and the Studio would let him take her!

Swinging the door open, his eyes scanned the room for a cream purse. He noticed it hanging delicately over her right shoulder. She always knew how to accessorise. He grinned thinking about that gorgeous pink dress. The one she wore when they had first kiss. He had never forgotten the way her hair looked or the way her earrings shine in the light. Even though it was just the kitchen...

Just then it was as if his mind had hit a wall. Maybe he should go home and cancel his plans.

Unluckily, though, before he could turn his back to the door, Angie had spotted him.

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