Thirteen - Waving Through a Window

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"It sounds insane, but I swear I've seen him before." Angie whispered to Pablo.

He stopped for a second and considered what she was saying, "How?"

She shook her head. "I have no idea." She didn't want to ask any more questions, but she couldn't not say them, "Don't you feel like you know him?"

Pablo told her that he didn't. 

"There was just something about him. The way that he -"

He seemed irritated all of a sudden. "Angie, look. I know you're in love with German, but..."

Her inquisitive expression was replaced with curiosity and a little bit of anger. "Are you suggesting that it's German? This Geremias? You think it's German!" She scoffed.

"No, that's not what I'm saying." He huffed in response. Nervously he ran a hand through his short hair.

"But that is  what you're saying."  

"No it's not."

"Well it is! Why else would you bring up German when he isn't even here?!"

"Angie, I'm sorry."

He tried not to see the tears welling in her eyes. "Don't be."

*   *   *

Olga was washing the vegetables. Esmeralda was staying for dinner again. German seemed to really like her. A lot. Perhaps he would realise that Angie was still here...

Ramallo helped her lay the table. He asked her why she was preparing this evening meal when it was only mid afternoon. Preparation is key, she replied smiling.

Her colleague tried to rinse the cabbage but he turned the tap on too forcefully and ended up soaking himself and his pristine new suit... She shouldn't have laughed but his water dripped face made her unable to.... Sorry Ramallo!

For a few seconds he looked at her dumbfounded but soon broke out laughing. This would be a moment they would share for moments to come.

Esmeralda came in then and kind of destroyed the moment. She went upstairs quickly enough to change. Soon enough she asked where German was.

The truth? Or a modified lie?

Ramallo and Olga had a telepathic conversation (of sorts) and decided to keep German in the clear. If he was going to move on from Angie, at least let him tell the truth himself. They weren't going to help him. Well not a lot anyway.

Luckily she bought it and headed up to her room to change and reapply her makeup.

Phew, they thought, she was off their backs.

*   *   *

Violetta was finally home and the table had been set. The first course was ready and taking a few minutes to be cooked in the oven.

German smiled at the scene before him. His new girlfriend and his daughter were bonding. Soon they would be a family. The first he'd had since they lost Maria....

Esmeralda sat down at the piano and encouraged Violetta to sing something. Being the performer she was, she eagerly agreed. She passed her some sheet music. A gentle meody filled the living room.

Deja que pase

llora si quieres

quita el dolor profundo

ríe por nada

cuenta conmigo

déjale a tu corazon

muestra tu destino

ven y canta

dame tu mano

cura tus heridas busca hoy tu melodía


ven y canta

sigue cantando

piénsalo en color es hoy

que tu sueño es mi canción

Their voices harmonised so well. When they were singing, German and Ramallo cheerfully looked on. Violetta seemed so happy! What they didn't know was that Violetta saw Angie watching them.

Was Angie jealous?

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