Twenty Four - The Truth and a Possible Lie

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German got ready to start his day as Geremias. His alter ego. The piano playing, Studio working alias. He'd been working at Studio On Beat for a month or so now. He really enjoyed it. It was fun to get in touch with music again. Especially after he had lost Maria. It made him feel connected to her and like she was still with him. He hoped she still looked down on him. He loved her so much. If she was still here, he knew that she would tell him to drop the Geremias act and just tell the truth about Esmeralda and how he really felt about her sister. Of course, if she was still here, he would still be married to her so there would be no interest in Esmeralda or Angie. Or even Jade, if you wanted to go that far back. The truth was, he was a loyal husband and just wanted to honour her every day. He hoped that he did that. He never wanted Violetta to forget her mother. She wouldn't though, because she wrote to her everyday with that crammed, purple diary of hers. A page, or two, a day, just like a memory book. Maybe that's what it was. A way she could still keep in touch with her and remember everything that had happened. German's heart swelled. She was growing up; and sometimes she was a better person than he was. Now that was a profound thing to realise before going to work. He smiled to himself as he prepared for the day ahead.

Violetta didn't know why, but Angie seemed on edge. She hadn't looked at her or her father all morning. In fact, she hadn't really properly looked anyone in the eye this morning. What was happening with her today? She really didn't know what to do with her aunt sometimes. Lifting the last slice of toast off her plate, she thanked Olga for breakfast and grabbed Angie's hand. They were going to be late if they didn't move! It was practically like playing tug-of-war with her today because she barely moved. Violetta heaved her surprisingly heavy body from the dining table. It was time to go.

When they got to the Studio, Angie plunged head first into her class. She talked the students through what they would be doing today. Angie hoisted herself up on to the stool and started to play. Before she could hit the first key of the first note of the song, a hand went up.


The clamouring among the students suddenly stopped. The classroom was silent. This made Angie nervous. "We heard you'd got a new job." She nodded her head solemnly, "Is that true?" She scanned the room for brown hair with an ombre dip-dye. Subconsciously she searched for a patterned hairband and a flowing bandana. She saw the bandana, and then found the hairband, but she couldn't find the dip-dye. Inwardly, she sighed a sigh of relief. Violetta wasn't in the classroom. She could tell everyone the truth.

"The new job you speak of... Is true." This was met with gasps, more questions and some sad faces. Suddenly, as if she could sense the revelation of her strange actions that morning, Violetta stood, unable to move, just by the door. Her hands were on the door frame, helping her to balance. Francesca and Camila rushed to her. Violetta's eyes met Angie's. Angie didn't know what to say. 

The bell rang to signal the end of the lesson. Another bell rang in succession to tell them that it was now their lunch break. 

Violetta walked up to her aunt. "Look Violetta, I wanted to -"

Her niece cut her off, "Don't even try to hide it, Angie. I know the job is yours." Her head seemed to shake faster by the second. As soon as she finished her second sentence, she turned and didn't even look back at her aunt. 

Angie slumped in her stool. She had done it again. She had lost her niece's trust. Unable to focus, she tried to organise her sheet music. The pages were all in a line, in the order of the song. She jumbled them up. She sorted them out again. This was done several times before someone came into the room.

"Geremias!" Angie sat up. He asked her what was wrong. She deflected the question, as usual. He asked her if she wanted to go for a walk. He was her friend, she thought. Angie told him yes. She draped her purse over her shoulder and they were off.

The park was so beautiful at this time of the year. In the summer, new flowers were always blossoming and the old ones always gave you a sense of fulfilment. Geremias asked her which flower was her favourite. Lillies, she told him, after her sister. He nodded as if he already knew this. Funnily enough, when she looked at him closely like this, there was something about him that reminded her of someone she knew. She couldn't put her finger on what or who it was, but she just knew that there was something about him. His mannerisms, the way he spoke, how considerate and kind he was...

She stopped. He couldn't be? No. It was impossible. German was at home. In his office. Doing important work. She was ambling around in the park with a coworker. She was being ridiculous. Sure, German was her boss, in the house when she was with Violetta, but when she was in the Studio, Pablo was the one who ruled what she could and couldn't do. Anyway, none of them had a say on her personal life. She was an adult. She could do whatever she wanted and say whatever she pleased. That wasn't exactly true, actually, but it didn't matter. She was here now and she would enjoy the moment.... with.... Geremias. 

They sat on a park bench beside each other. He asked her about her day. Could she trust him? She paused before she said anything. There was no tension between them and she felt like she could pour out her troubles to him. She decided to throw caution to the wind and tell him the truth. About everything. About the job, about German, about her feelings for him, about Violetta, how heartbroken she was... He gave her nothing but sympathetic eyes. She felt like she could tell him anything, even though she hadn't known him for long. There was something in the way he held her and a certain shine in his eyes. 

This was possibly the worst decision she would ever make but she decided to kiss him. She closed her eyes and leaned in...

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