Eleven - The Apple of His Eye

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"German, I don't think you should do this."

He knew that he shouldn't but he had to. Ramallo was his friend and he respected him, but something inside him was telling him to do this. He had to make sure that Violetta was okay.

Mr Castillo left his office to see his girlfriend and his sister in law arguing. It broke his heart. He thought that Angie would have liked Esmeralda. They were very similar. Surely it wasn't like there was nothing to talk about, they were.. He only wished that Angie was more comfortable with her. That night at dinner she seemed on edge and she had never been able to really be in the same room as him without ending the conversation as quickly as possible.

Angie called Violetta as Esmeralda stormed off to her room. He would check on her later. First, German wanted to know when Angie and his daughter were heading to the Studio.

Violetta came gliding down the stairs with record speed. She smiled at Angie and that her phone was in her bag. Turning to her dad, she asked him how he was. He said that he was good and asked her when she was off to the Studio. She replied that she and Angie were leaving now.

That would give him a few minutes. He didn't want to be late for his first day of work.

Her father walked into the kitchen and stayed by the fruit. Olga walked in occasionally so he had to pretend that he was eating apple. When he saw Angie twist the key in the lock, he almost his balance because Olga decided to walk in just at that moment. It was so frustrating!! He stuffed an apple into his mouth. Well, more like grabbed it with as much of his mouth that he could. He couldn't speak, so that was a bonus. At least he had an excuse not to talk.

After raising her eyebrow inquisitively, Olga said, "Hungry?" German nodded.

The door clicked shut, indicating that Angie and Violetta had gone to the Studio. Announcing his departure out of the room while dislodging the apple from his aching jaw, German awkwardly yet quickly shuffled his way out of the room.

Ramallo came into the kitchen then watching a puzzled Olga. She turned to him. "Do you know anything about this?"

To tell the truth or to not tell the truth, Ramallo thought. For the good of his friend, he decided not to.

"No. Not a thing."

When Olga was out of his peripheral view, he started going through his plan for the day quietly out loud. Not too loud though because he absolutely could not be heard.

He swung the door open to his room and grabbed a rucksack. Triple checking he hadn't misplaced or lost anything, he opened its drawstrings. No, every little thing that he needed was inside it.

After zipping it up and perching it over his shoulder, he made his way over to the piano and got the sheets that he had printed off last night for Gregorio's class. That would be the first lesson he would assist.

He contemplated saying goodbye to Olga and Ramallo but thought better of it.

Once he had closed the door behind him, he took his phone out from his pocket and sent a single message to Ramallo. All it said was, "Thank You."

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