Seventeen - The Elephant in the Room

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After twisting her father's arm, Violetta had been allowed to have the girls over for a midweek sleepover. They talked about the Studio and their classes and boys... They also talked about Angie and... Esmeralda.

It would be so awkard when they next saw each other. Would they even be able to look at each other? Probably not. Now that Angie knows, who knows what could happen. Francesca asked Violetta if her dad knew that Angie knew. She didn't answer. Vilu? No. German didn't know that Angie knew that he kissed Esmeralda. The elephant grew. The elephant being the situation and the situation being the kiss, that is.

How would that work? German wouldn't bring it up. Angie probably wouldn't, but German would know there was something wrong. He knew her well enough by now. But they were adults! Surely they could deal with it themselves? Violetta laughed. If there was one thing she knew, it was that they could not work things out themselves. They were like little kids in that way. Francesca and Camila laughed too. Thinking back to last year, they figured that was true.

Violetta hated her new . She was nothing like Angie. She needed Angie back. This was why her dad just needed to step up and be a man!

There was a knock at her door. "Come in!"

A smile immediately illuminated her face. "Angie!"

She was smiling, but her eyes were red and her face was slightly puffy. You could tell that she had shed a tear or two. "Hi girls! I thought that I'd bring you some things!" Out of nowhere, she pulled up a box of chocolates, some movies and DIY (sachet) hot chocolates.

We hugged her. Of course. She's brilliant! The door bolted behind her and we tucked in to our chocolates.


"Hm?" She muffled, her mouth full of chocolate.

"We should offer Angie one."

"Oh, right." She grabbed Angie's favourite chocolate and zapped her way downstairs.

When she got there, Angie was nowhere in sight. To make sure, she walked in another circle around the downstairs parts of the house, but she was nowhere to be seen. Upon reaching the kitchen, she saw the back of her dad.

He could hear Violetta's footsteps and turned sharply to her. She asked him where Angie was. He told her that she had just left. She asked why. He deflected her question by telling her that he suspected she knew something that he didn't know.

Well he was right there.

She didn't dare say that to her father of course.

There was an an awkward silence before he asked his daughter if she liked Esmeralda. She said yes. She also asked him how close they were.

"You know?" German said, shocked.

"Of course I know." Violetta replied.

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