Twenty One - Somethin' Stupid

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They walked home from their date with stars in their eyes. Well, German did. She forced the twinkle in hers. It was easy. All she had to do was blush and step near a lamppost. It illuminated her face and her fake-but-he-didn't-know-it sentiments for him. As well as the gaze in her eyes, obviously. 

German pulled up his shirt sleeve to reveal the time on his expensive Tissot watch, "Hey, it's late." He brushed back some of her hair, "Shall I walk you up to your door?" German didn't want to say anything, but she had given the driver two generous tips. She was merry but perhaps the sultry mood and bubbling champagne had sent her across the line. 

Esmeralda didn't reply. Stuck in what seemed like a date-influenced daydream, she started to hum a tune he didn't recognise. She only hummed for a few steps though because, like an animal sensing its prey, she stopped. You could swear that the tips of her ears had raised by a millimetre. Abruptly, she turned and said, "I love you." 

German chuckled, "Is that a yes?" 

"Stay with me." Replied Esmeralda.

He wanted her to. The only thing was that they were quite far from the house. Ah, figured German, he could give the driver another hefty tip. He wolf whistled and called for the taxi to come back to them. As if it was meant to be the taxi screeched its way back to the pair. They barged in. The driver asked where they wanted to go. German gave him his address. He nodded and put his hands in the ten and two position. 

She had asked for him to stay with her. Now she literally would be staying with him. For the night. 

He thanked the driver and handed him twenty dollars. He apologised for the inconvenience. The driver swatted his hand away as if to dismiss the conversation. He was happy with the generosity of these random people. Hopefully he would get tips like this again sometime.

Once they had both had a glass of water and taken off their coats, they went into the bedroom. German left to brush his teeth. He wouldn't tell her this, but he was panicking. What if she wanted this night to lead to something more? He wasn't ready for them to consummate what they had. Were they even official? He didn't think that he had told anyone that he was seeing her. Oh God, had he told anyone? His heart rate soared. 

After he had convinced himself that everything would be fine, he went back into his room. He stopped for a minute. It only occurred to him then that he had never told her that he loved her back. She had told him she loved him, but he had never said I love you too. That made him think, did he love her? Or was she just someone who he would call a date but really meant nothing to him? He never knew. Until Angie. 

Putting her out of his mind and focusing on Esmeralda, he leaned over her sleeping body. "I love you too." He kissed her forehead.

She turned so she was closer to him, "Marry...." Her eyes closed. A sleepy daze came over her and she finished her sentence as she turned, "Me." She was pretty, German thought. 

Jovially he said, "Yes." 

He didn't mean his reply, of course, but he wanted her to have good dreams. If she even remembered their date, and his confession, in the morning. 

He pulled the duvet away and got into the bed next to her. German tugged it back over him and let sleep drag him into the next day.

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